CEMETERY|SITECODE|PERIOD|LU_INT|E_DATE|L_DATE|CONTEXT|SEX|AGE|PATH_GROUP|DISEASE|PATHOLOGY|COMMENTS|PBR Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|18|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|"DJD ON THE CENTRAL PORTION OF BOTH PATELLAR JOINT SURFACES.SMALL OVAL LESION PRESENT ON THE MTP JOINT OF R MT1. 3 IN TOTAL EACH MEASURING 3-5MM IN DIAMETER."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|18|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|18|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|18|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|EXTRANUMARY MOLAR NOT ERUPTED BETWEEN R M2 & 3.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|19|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:1.LEFT &RIGHT ULNAE PROXIMAL END ATTACHMENT FOR TRICEPS.2.BOTH FEMORA GREATER TROCHNATER GLUTEUS MINIMUS,LESSER TROCHANTER PSOAS MAJOR AND ILIACUS & THE POSTERIOR SURFACE AT THE PROXIMAL END OFR GLUTEUS MAXIMUS.3.BOTH PELVES ILIAC CREST EXTERNAL OBLIQUE& GLUTEUS MEDIUS ON THE LATERAL SURFACE.4.LEFT PATELLA ANTERIOR SURFACE FOR RECTUS FEMORIS.NOTICEABLE THINNING OF THE ILIAC FOSSA ON BOTH PELVES. MARKED ASYMMETRY UPPER & LOWER LIMBS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|19|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|GRADE 1 MARGINAL LIPPING OF THE LEFT & RIGHT CARPAL BONES.GRADE 2 FOR THE RIGHT CARPOMETACARPAL JOINT OF THE FIRST METACARPAL.DJD| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|19|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Scoliosis|Possible slight scoliosis in the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.Lateral wedging of the lumbar centrums being more pronounced than in the thoracic.The thoracic vertebrae appeared more to be slightly compressed & with some deviation of the spinous processes,particularly Th8.There was marginal lipping and fusion of the centrums of Th5 & Th6.The angle of the rib heads appeared more accute.In combination these changes could be indicative of scoliosis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|19|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non specific periostisis (active & healed).Left fibula & tibia had areas of raised bony spicules that were coarsely striated & interspersed with porosity that appeared to sit on the cortical surface,producing a very irregular & uneven surface.The surface superior to the inferior tibiofibular joint of the tibia & fibula had particularly prominent bony nodules & spicules in the area of the interosseous ligament & memebrane.Possibly an infection tracked along this ligament.The right side only had slight periosteal changes.The joints were not affected.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|19|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthtritis secondary to the trauma observe in the right glenohumeral joint, of the pseudo facet on the right acromial process. A small area of smooth eurnated bone on the posterior margin of the pseudo margin.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|19|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Rotator cuff disease|Possible rotator cuff injury of the right glenohumeral joint.There was Grade 2 osteophytic lipping of the glenoid cavity and the humeral head.The acromial process on the posterior surface in response to the possible trauma had created a facet like area that directly articulated with the humeral head & had a small area of eburnation on the posterior margin.There was enthesophytic development for the attachment of deltoid on the acromion.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|19|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|19|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|19|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Hyperostosis frontalis interna|Stage 2 Hyperostosis frontalis interna (HFI).Smooth rounded nodules on the endocranial surface of the frontal bone following the line of the crista galli.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|20|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:-1.MARKED MUSCLE ATTACHMENT FOR THE ILIOFEMORAL LIGAMENT AT THE INFERIOR ASPECT OF THE FEMORAL HEADS.SLIGHT BOWING MEDIO LATERALLY AT THE PROXIMAL END OF THE LEFT AND RIGHT FIBULA.BONY EMINENCES BRIDGING FROM THE TRANSVERSE PROCESS OF THE SUPERIOR FACET ON TH11 AND TH12.SHARP BONY EXOSTOSIS PARTIALLY PROJECTING OVER THE RIGHT INFRA ORBITAL FORAMEN.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|20|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Other (Infectious - Non-specific infection)|Lesions on the left & right ribs indicating a possibly healed & active infection.On the visceral surface of some rib shafts & the superior rib margins there were areas of small raised smooth bone plaques, creating an uneven and irregualr surface.At the head of two right ribs on the visceral surface there awee areas of microporosity & a grey discolouration to the bone. On the left side possibly 2 ribs had these changes,only slight in comparison. Right 2nd rib on the margin had remodelled bone and porosity.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|20|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Left and right tibia on the lateral surface mid shaft an area of grey finely but coarse striated bone. An indication of active infection.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|20|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|POSSIBLE SOFT TISSUE TRAUMA MYOSTISIS OSSIFICANS. SHARP BONY EXOSTOSIS PARTIALLY PROJECTING OVER THE RIGHT INFRA ORBITAL FORAMEN.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|20|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|20|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|31|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"MARKED MUSCLE ATTACHMENT ALONG SOLEAL LINE OF L TIBIA"| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|31|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|31|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1821||35|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|OA OF CARPAL BONES: R MC MPJ HAS A HIGHLY POLISHED SURFACE AND EXTENSIVE LIPPING AROUND THE JOINT. THE R SCAPHOID IS EBURNATED ON THE SURFACE ARTICULATION W THE RADIUS AND HAS SPLIT INTO TWO SEPERATE BONES. THE TRAPEZIUM EXHIBIT LIPPING IN ARTIC. W THE SCAPHOID AND HAS WHAT LOOKS LIKE A SMALL LYTIC LESION. THE L HAND ONLY THE CARPALS ARE AFFECTED THE SCAPHOID IS DEFORMED W EXTENSIVE LIPPING AND THE SURFACE ARTICULATION WITH THE RADIUS. THE HEAD OF THE HAMATE IS HIGHLY GLOSSED WITH A WEDGESHAPED FORMED BY CONTINIOUS IMPACT. THE LUNATE HAS A SMALL EBURNATED AREA WHERE ARTIC W THE SCAPHOID.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1821||35|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Erosive Arthropathy|Gout|POSSIBLE CASE OF GOUT? UNILATERAL THE MTPJ OF THE R MT1 AFFECTED. SCALLOPED LESIONS PRESENT ALONG THE DORSAL BORDER OF THE JOINT. UNFORTUNATELY THE JOINT IS ENCRUSTED WITH RESIDUE AND FURTHER OBSERVATIONS WERE NOT POSSIBLE. THE PHALANGEAL JOINT IS EBURNATED WITH MARKED LIPPING AND PITTING.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1821||35|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1821||35|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1821||35|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|Impaction of L mandibular canine.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1821||35|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Miscellaneous|Spondylolysis (bilateral)|BILATERAL SPONDYLOLISIS OF THE L4. NURAL ARCH PRESENT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1821||35|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|WELL HEALED FRACTURE OF CENTRAL POTION OF 4TH RIB. NO OVERLAPPING BUT MODERATE SWELLING AROUND THE INJURY.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|0||1700|1850|39|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|SLIGHT LATERAL WEDGING OF THE LUMBAR VERTEBRAE,?SLIGHT SCOLIOSIS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|0||1700|1850|39|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis of the left & right knee joint and left hand.On the anterior articular surface of both femora on the lateral aspect there was Grade 2 marrginal osteophytic lipping and smooth, polished eburnated bone with a grooving.These changes corresponded to those observed on the posterior surface of the patella on the lateral condylar joint surface.Osteoarhtritic chnages were also observed in the left hand with smooth, polished & eburnated joint surfaces of the left triquetral & pisiform.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|0||1700|1850|39|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Rotator cuff disease|Right humerus at the proximal end changes indicating a rotator cuff injury.The surface area of the greater & lesser tubercle was rough & irregular with macroporosity & bony spicules.The area affected corresponded to the muscle attachments for supraspinatus, subscapularis & infraspinatus.All these muscles make up the rotator cuff and act in the rotation of the arm & stabilization of the glenohumeral joint.There was some joint change with Grade 1 marginal lipping of the humeral head & glenoid cavity.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|0||1700|1850|39|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|0||1700|1850|39|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|43|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:-1. PRONOUNCED FEATHERING/ GROOVING OF THE L & R ILIAC CREST ATTACHMENT FOR EXTERNAL OBLIQUE.2.BOTH FEMORA PROXIMAL END GREATER TROCHANTER ATTACHMENT FOR GLUTEUS MINIMUS,THE LESSER TROCHANTER FOR PSOAS MAJOR & ILIACUS & THE TROCHANTERIC FOSSA FOR OBTURATOR EXTERNUS.POSTERIOR SURFACE OF THE R.FEMUR ATTACHNMENT FOR GLUTEUS MAXIMUS & ADDUCTOR BREVIS.3.TIBIAE TUBEROSITY ATTACHMENT OF PATELLAR LIGAMENT.4.PATELLAE ANTERIOR SURFACE PRONOUNCED PROJECTIONS,ATTAHCMENT FOR RECTUS FEMORIS.5.CALCANEA ATTACHMENT FOR TENDO CALCANEUS(ACHILLES TENDON). BONE QUALITY FEELS VERY FRIABLE & LIGHT?OSTEOPOROSIS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|43|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Grade 2 osteophytic lipping and smooth polished eburnated surface with some evidence of slight grooving of the left carpometacarpal joint of the 1st metacarpal.The trapeziums on both sides haD become distorted.The right carpometacarpal joint of the 1st meatcarpal was also distorted with DJD but there was no eburnation.The metcarpals & phalanges all had Grade 1 & 2 marginal lipping.The left and right tarsal bones also had Grade 1 marginal lipping.General DJD.Osteoarthritic changes were also observed in the right knee with Grade 2 marginal osteophytic lipping of the medial femorotibial joint and the patella and an area of smooth, eburnated bone on the right medial tibial joint surface and medial aspect of the patella.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|43|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|Residual healded rickets that was slight to moderate and only observed in the bone changes of the lower limbs.More marked/pronounced was observed in the proximal bowing of the left tibia and the mid shaft bowing & anterior/posterior flattening of the right fibula.There was only slight evidence of bowing at the proximal end of the femora.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|43|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|43|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|47|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|47|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|92|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|DESTRUCTION OF THE RIGHT MANDIBULAR TEMPROMANDIBULAR JOINT. THE RIGHT CRANIAL TEMPROMANDIBULAR JOINT WAS FLATTENED AND SHALLOW.CAUSING A CHANGE TO THE ARTICULATION (AS OBSERVED IN A DISPLACEMENT) OF THE RIGHT TEMPROMANDIBULAR JOINT. POSSIBLY THESE CHANGES COULD BE ASSOCIATED WITH A MARKED REDUCTION IN NORMAL MOVEMENT OF THE JAW ALLOWING FOR THE CALCULUS TO BUILD UP SO SEVERELY & BECOME SO HEAVY.THE INDICATION WAS THAT THERE WAS MOVEMENT OF SOME SORT AS THE CALCULUS ALTHOUGH VERY HEAVY ON THE RIGHT MAXILLARY MOLARS & RIGHT MANDIBULARTEETH WAS SMOOTH AS OPPOSED TO IRREGULAR, WHICH WOULD HAVE SUGGESTED A COMPLETE LACK OF MOVEMENT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|92|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|Possible congenital abnormality of the transverse process of lumber vertenbra L3 on the left side. It appeared as though the process was attempting to fuse with L4 as it had bridged across. The bone surfaces had the same appearance as that seen in os acromiale.There was also some lateral wedging of the lumbar vertebrae, possibly an indication of slight scoliosis but this could have been linked to the changes observed in the transverse process.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|92|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|POSSIBLE NON SPECIFIC PERIOSTEAL REACTION. ON THE MEDIAL SURFACE OF THE RIGHT OCCIPITAL CONDYLE THERE WAS AN INCREASE IN POROSITY AND A ROUGH IRREGULAR BONE SURFACE.POSSIBLY INDICATING AN INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE/ INFECTION.THE LEFT CONDYLE WAS NOT AFFECTED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|92|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|92|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|96|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|L PATELLA DISPLAYED SMALL AREA OF EBURNATION ON THE LATERAL INFERIOR PORTION OF THE ARTICULATION. AS THE ONLY L ELEMENT PRESENT IT IS UNCLEAR WHETHER IT ACTUALLY BELONGS TO THIS SKELETON??| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|96|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|96|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|100|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|MACRO POROSITY BETWEEN THE MASTOID PROCESS AND THE EXTERNAL AUDATORY MEATUS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|100|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|1)RIGHT SIDED SMOOTH LIPPING OF T7-9 BUT NO FUSION, POSSIBLE EARLY DISH??? FEATHERING ALONG THE R ILLIAC CREST. 2)MARGINAL LIPPING ON NAVICULAR BONE ARTICUALATION WITH THE CUNEIFORM."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|100|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|100|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|400|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHY:- 1.RIGHT PELVIS LIPPING OF THE RIGHT ILIAC CREST EXTERNAL OBLIQUE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|400|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|400|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|600|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|600|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|104|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Kyphosis|SLIGHT KYPHOSIS OF THE UPPER THORACIC REGION T3-5| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|104|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|HEALED SLIGHT STRIAE ALONG THE PROXIMAL LATERAL PORTION OF BOTH TIBIAE IMMIDIATELY ABOVE THE NUTRIENT FORAMEN. ON PROXIMAL ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE R FEMUR IS A 34X13MM AREA OF IRREGULAR BONE GROWTH ORGANISED IN LONGITUDENAL STRIAE OVERLAIN BY PATCHES OF SLIGHT POROSITY.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|104|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|LATERAL BOWING OF THE TIBIAE. FEMURS DO NOT APPEAR AFFECTED THOUGH SOME REMODELLING OF THE PROXIMAL PORTION HAS TAKEN PLACE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|104|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|104|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|112|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Compression fracture (vertebrae)|POSSIBLE COMPRESSION FRACTURE OF THE T6-7. MARKED REDUCTION IN HEIGHT AND NODULAR BONE GROWTH ON THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE VERTEBRAL BODY, OSSIFICATION OF THE ANTERIOR LIGAMENT. RIGHT SIDED FUSION NOT DISSIMILAR TO DISH IS PRESENT ON THE ANTEROLATERAL PORTION OF THE T6-12. THE SMORL'S NODERS ARE VERY PRONOUNCED AND THE APOPHYSEAL JOINTS HAVE EBURNATION (SEE VERT PATH)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|112|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|112|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|115|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|TARSAL COALITION: CONGENITAL MALFORMATION OF NAVICULAR CAUSING A NECROTIC JOINT BEWEEN THE ANTERIOR ARTIC OF THE CALCANEUM AND THE INFERIOR LATERAL PORTION OF THE NAVICULAR. ON L MT3 IS A SMALL LESION ON THE INFERIOR PORTION OF THE TARSAL METATARSAL JOINT (METATARSAL PITTING).| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|115|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|115|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|115|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|HEALED NASAL FRACTURE: ASSYMETRY OF THE NASAL BONE W. RIGHT LATERAL SHIFT AND AREAS OF VOID IN HEALING OF NASAL BONES.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|119|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 12-17 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|POSSIBLE HEALED RICKETS.SLIGHT BOWING/BULGING MEDIO LATERALLY ON THE PROXIMAL SHAFTS OF THE FEMORA, WITH AN AREA OF SLIGHT MICRO POROSITY ON THE MEDIAL SHAFT SURFACES AT THE CONCAVITY OF THE BOWING. BOTH TIBIAE ON THE ANTERIOR CREST SURFACE HAD AN AREA OF MICRO POROSITY RUNNING INFERIORLY FROM THE TUBEROSITY TO ABOUT MID WAY DOWN THE ANTERIOR AND MEDIAL SURFACE OF THE SHAFT.THE TIBIAE, HOWEVER,DID NOT APPEARED TO BE BOWED. POSSIBLY THESE CHANGES ARE ASSOCIATED WITH HEALED RICKETS BUT COULD BE ANOTHR PATHOLOGICAL/METABOLIC DISORDER."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|119|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 12-17 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|119|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 12-17 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|143|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|T8-10 HAVE RIGHT SIDED ANTEROLATERAL FUSION OF THE VERTBRAL BODY. THE INTERVETEBRAL DISK SPACE AND THE APOPHYSEAL JOINTS ARE NOT AFFECTED. SMORL'S NODES PRESENT PRESENT IN THE THORACIC REGIONS AND OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING ON THE LEFT ANTEROALTERAL PORTION OF THE LUMBAR REGION. MILD FEATHERING PRESENT ALONG ILLIAC CREST AND MARKED ENTHESOPATHIES PRESENT ON BOTH TIBIAL TUBEROSITIES. NO MARKED ENTHSOPATHIES ON THE CALCANII.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|143|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|143|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1808||147|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Smooth bony ridge present on the left 4th MT along the lateral portion of the shaft. The reaction appeared healed and overlay the original cortex. Similar periosteal bone growth was present on the visceral surface of at least one rib. The right radius exhibits perisoteal reaction along both the anterior and posterior portion of the shaft. The bone is smooth and sclerotic with plaque like raised bone along the ridge. Marked enthesopathies were present on both left and right tibial tuberosities and the posterior portions of the calcanii . Slight feathering present along the let and right iliac crest. The vertebrae displayed OA in the cervical spine and lipping was present along the thoracic.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1808||147|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific osteitis|The left tibia displays swelling on the entire circumference of the distal portion of the central shaft causing ankylosis with the fibula. The swelling appear localized though patches of sclerotic and porous bone continued on the distal shaft to the area with patches of smooth plaque like as well as patches of porous woven bone overlying the cortex. The fibula was affected in a similar manner. The right tibia was affected to a much lesser degree with smooth sclerotic bone growth on the posterior and mesial portion of the shaft. The bony reaction was disorganised and undulating in appearance with areas of smooth and pitted bone. The reaction of the posterior portion was confined to the mid and distal portion of the shaft.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1808||147|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Extensive OA of interphalangeal joints of the right hand; The proximal and distal phalangeal joint of the 1st MC had extensive pitting present and grooved eburnation which was also present in the 4th proximal and intermediate phalageal joint and the intermediate phalangeal joint of the 2nd intermediate and distal joint. Eburnation is present on all other interphalangeal joint though less pronounced. There was no arthritic changes on the CMCJ and the MCPJ. The proximal phalanges of the R & L hand further exhibited smooth plaque like bone formation on the dorsal surface of the shaft. In the left hand the trapezium articulation with the MC1 displayed a small patch of eburnation along the palmar border. The hamate articulation with the triquetral also exhibited a small area of eburnation. No OA present in the metacarple-phalangeal joints whilst eburnation is present on the 1st, 4th and 5th proximal and intermediate phalangeal joints. Complete fusion of the 4th and 5th intermediate and distal joints.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1808||147|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|Complete fusion of the 4th and 5th intermediate and distal joints.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1808||147|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1808||147|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1808||147|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Healed fracture of right rib. The central portion of shaft exhibited swelling immediately anterior of the angle. The bony repair were smooth though with sharp bony ridge along the inferior and superior margins.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|152|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES-:1.RIGHT ULNA ATTACHMENT AT PROXIMAL END FOR TRICEPS.2.RIGHT PATELLA ON THE ANTERIOR SURFACE FOR RECTUS FEMORIS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|152|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Compression fracture (vertebrae)|Possible compresion fracture of Th8.The left side of the centrum appears to be more compressed.There was some PM damage across the inferior surface of the centrum.This compression may be associated with the trauma observed in the left radius & fibula & tibia. It may be attributable to a deficiency in the bone mineralization seen in osteoporosis.The bones were very light & friable & there was thinning of the iliac fossa which could be indicators of the individual suffering from osteoporosis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|152|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis|Possible osteoporosis. Thinning of the iliac fossa of both pelves. Light frable quality to the bones.The colles fracture & vertebral compression fracture may be associated with the poor quality of the bone and a the presence of osteoporosis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|152|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|152|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|152|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|EDENTULOUS INDIVIDUAL.THE MANDIBLE WAS ALSO DRAMATICALLY REDUCED IN ITS HEIGHT FROM EXTREME RESORBPTION AND COMPLETE LOSS OF TEETH.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|152|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Well healed & aligned Colles fracture at the distal end of the left radius.No infection or joint changes, slight osteophytic lipping on the anterior surface.Well healed, remodelled & aligned oblique fracture at the distal end of the left fibula & tibia.No indication of an infection but there were secondary arthritic changes with ankylosis of the tibofibular joint & porosity, lipping & eburnation of the talocrual joint surfaces of the medial malleolus & superior articular surface of the talus.The fracture line was visible on the intra articular surface.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|154|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Skull Malformation|Craniofacial abnormality|THE LEFT INFERIOR NASAL CONCHA WAS SWOLLEN BUT DID NOT APPEAR TO BE INFECTED (POSSIBLY ASSOCIATED WITH POLLUTANTS).| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|154|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non specfic periostitis on the medial surface of the righ tibia.Remodelled striated bone possibly indicating a healed infection.Areas of smooth raised nodular bone on the visceral surface of the left and right lower ribs possibly a healed chest infection.Possible reactive repsonse on the left and right auricular joint surfaces.(Not used for ageing as not the classic degenerative changes) indicating a healed ?inflammatory response. The surface was smooth and nodular creating an irregular surface with macroporosity.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|154|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|154|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|0||1700|1850|157|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|RIB FRAGMENTS DISPLAYED VERY FINE PITTING ON THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE BODY IN AREA OF ANGLE."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|0||1700|1850|157|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|0||1700|1850|157|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|161|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"FOETUS PRESENT PROB DIED FROM COMPLICATIONS OF PREMATURE BABY"| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|161|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|1) BILATERAL FUSION: CONGENITAL FUSION OF BOTH INTERMEDIATE AND DISTAL 5TH PHALANGEAL JOINTS OF FEET. 2) UNILATERAL TARSAL COALLSION BETWEEN THE L NAVICULAR AND CALCANEUM.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|161|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|161|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|169|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ATROPHED APPEARANCE OF THE RIGHT FEMUR WITH A VERY TUBULAR AND SLENDER SHAFT.THERE ARE NO GROSS PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES TO THE SURFACE OF THE BONE OR TO THE JOINTS.THE LEFT FEMUR IS NOT MUCH LARGER BUT IS BROADER MEDIOLATERALLY.ENTHESOPATHIES:-1.MARKED ENTHESOPATHY FOR THE GLUTEUS MAXIMUS ON THE POSTERIOR SURFACE AT THE PROXIMAL END FOR BOTH FEMORA.GREATER TROCHANTER BOTH FEMORA ATTACHMENT FOR GLUTEUS MINIMUS. SMALL BONY PROJECTION ON THE ANTERIOR ARTICULAR SURFACE OF THE RIGHT TALUS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|169|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)| Tarsal coalition. Left and right side calcanealnavicular coalition.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|169|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis of the hands and feet.Two right middle hand phalanges on the proximal articular heads had small areas of smooth polished, eburnated bone.In the left foot there was very slight smoothing and eburnation of the left proximal head of the 1st metatarsal.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|169|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|169|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1748||171|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-6 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1748||171|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-6 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|173|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-6 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|173|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-6 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|188|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:1.RIGHT HUMERUS ATTACHMENT FOR BRACHIALIS.2.BOTH FEMORA PROXIMAL END ATTACHMENT FOR GLUTEUS MAXIMUS, MORE PRONOUNCED ON THE LEFT SIDE.3.POSTERIOR SURFACE OF BOTH FEMORA MARKED ATTACHMENTS FOLLOWING THE LINE OF THE LINEA ASPERA.4.BOTH TIBIAE THE ATTACHMENT FOR SOLEUS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|188|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Smalll area of non-specific periorstitis on the medial surface mid shaft of the left tibia.Partially striated and porous with a discolouration but had a remodelled appearance suggesting was healed.Areas of coarse striated bone were also observed on the ventral surface of the pelves.This could possibly be an indication of an internal soft tissue infection.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|188|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis of the hands and feet.The metacarpophalangeal joint of the right 1st metacarpal had a smooth,polished eburnated surface.The proximal head of the 1st metacarpal had Grade 1 osteophytic lipping.The proximal head of the left 1st metatarsal on the plantar surface had a smooth, polished eburnated surface and Grade 1 osteophytic lipping of the margins.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|188|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|Ankylosis of the left inferior tibiofibular joint. Smooth remodelled bone bridging across the bones and causing fusion, there was no indication of infection and the talocrual joint wais not affected. This was possibly caused due to trauma of the ankle joint.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|188|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|188|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|188|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Possible well healed oblique fracture of the left ankle with secondary changes observed in the ankylosis of the tibiofibular joint.The talocrual joint surface was not affected but there was osteophytic marginal lipping of the talocrual joint.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|193|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|MANDIBLE TOO NARROW TO FIT IN MANDIBULAR FOSSA AND SITS DISJOINTED ALONG THE POSTERIOR BOUNDARY OF THE JOINT OF THE TEMPORAMANDIBULAR FOSSA. THE WHOLE AREA AROUND FORAMEN MAGNUM APPEARED DEFORMED AND NARROW WITH THE EDGE OF THE FORMAEN MAGNUM PROTRUDING DOWNWARDS. NONE OF THE JOINT SURFACES WERE AFFECTED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|193|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|193|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|196|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Congenital|Skull Malformation|Other (Congenital-Skull Malformation)|Possible congenital abnormality of the formation and fusion of the pars lateralis.It appeared as almost bipartite in its fusion occurring only at the mid line and thus giving the impression of being in two parts.The surface was quite badly eroded but theres did not appear to be any other pathological change to the bone.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|196|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|196|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1732||198|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|SLIGHT OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING OF THE LEFT AND RIGHT CARPAL BONES,?DJD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1732||198|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|SLIGHT OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING OF THE LEFT AND RIGHT CARPAL BONES,DJD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1732||198|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Other (Metabolic - General)|The enamel of the permanent mandibular M1 molars has been damaged & had hypoplastic defects.The right side was more severe & noticeable whilst the left had been worn down.The cusps of the anterior mandibular teeth had 'frilly' edges & appeared hypoplastic, some had been worn down.The maxillary teeth also had linear hypoplastic defects.It was possible this was an indication of a metabolic disorder occuring in childhood & the development of the teeth was disrupted.The most probable explanation would be rickets.Unfortunately the lower long bones were damaged PM and so any other changes often observed in association with rickets were not apparent.The cribra orbitalia (stage 3) observed may also have a connection with a metabolic disorder.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1732||198|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Slight increase in porosity of the right sinus suggesting sinusitis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1732||198|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|Complete ankylosis of the left sacroiliac joint.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1732||198|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|3 (Large and small isolated foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1732||198|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|3 (Large and small isolated foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1732||198|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|Pipe facets.Maxillary right central & lateral incisor and the right mandibular lateral incisor & canine.The right mandibular PM3 on the buccal enamel surface had an area of wear in as though an overbite was occuring.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|206|FEMALE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|206|FEMALE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|218|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis of the left hand.Smooth polished and eburnated surface of the articulating face of the left lunate for articulation with the hamate.(Osteoarthritis was also seen in the right elbow and the vertebrae see joints and vertebral pathology).| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|218|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Neoplastic|Bone Tissue|Osteoma (including button osteoma)|SMALL RAISED BONE NODULE ON THE ECTOCRANIAL SURFACE OF THE OCCIPITAL BONE SLIGHTLY SUPERIOR TO THE NUCHAL CREST ON THE RIGHT SIDE.POSSIBLY A BUTTON OSTEOMA.THE OCCIPITAL BONE HAd POOR SURFACE QUALITY AND WAS DAMAGED PM.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|218|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|218|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|218|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Hyperostosis frontalis interna|Smooth raised bone plaques on the endocranial surface of the frontal bone. STAGE 2 Hyperostosis frontalis interna.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|218|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|EDENTULOUS INDIVIDUAL.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|225|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|UNILATERAL ANKYLOSIS OF SUPERIOR ASPECT OF R SACRILLIAC JOINT| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|225|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|225|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|230|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|Healed rickets of the lower limbs.Both femora on the anterior surface at the proximal end had a slight crest & bulging on the lateral aspect of the shaft.The tibiae appeared to be most affected at the proximal end & bulged towards the medial aspect. No changes were seen in the sternal rib ends & the build up of new bone on the shafts would suggest healing.There were severe enamel defects in the deciduous & permanent dentition, maxillary & mandibular.This may be associated/linked with the rickets.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|230|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|230|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|230|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|THE HYPOPLASTIC DEFECTS OF THE MIXED DENTITION OCCURED FROM THE MID LINE OF THE TOOTH TO THE CUSP.THE ENAMEL WAS DISCOLOURED AND APPEARED TO HAVE CHANGED IN ITS MINERALISATION.FROM THE MID LINE OF THE TEETH THE SURFACES WERE IRREGUALR AND THE DISTAL ENDS OF THE CUSPS WERE SHARP AND POINTED.THE DAMAGE TO THE TEETH MAY BE ASSOCIATED TO THE RICKETS OR POSSIBLY FROM AOTHER RECURRING CHILDHOOD DISEASE THAT AFFECTED THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE DECIDUOUS AND PERMANENT DENTITION.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|232|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|FOETUS PRESENT SUGGESTED DEATH DUE TO COMPLICATIONS DURING CHILD BIRTH.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|232|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|232|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|232|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|HYPOPLASTIC DEFECT ON LABIAL SURFACE OF THE R MESIAL INCISOR FORMING AN INVERTED Y-SHAPE FROM THE ENAMEL BORDER| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|232|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|HEALED FRACTURE OF R MC2 CAUSING MALALIGNMENT OF THE SHAFT BENDING IN A LATERAL DIRECTION. THE ADJACENT MC3 APPEARED SHORTENED AND THE PROXIMAL PHALANGE OF THE MC3 WAS ATHROPHIED. THROUGH INABILITY OF USE?| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|238|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 12-17 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin C Deficiency|Scurvy|POSSIBLE SCURVY. GENERAL INCREASE IN POROSITY OF THE LEFT GREATER WING OF THE SPHENOID.MICROPOROSITY COVERING THE ANTERIOR SURFACE OF THE LEFT ZYGOMATIC PROCESS, THE HEAD OF THE LEFT & RIGHT RAMUS HEAD & THE AREA AROUND THE LINGUA ON THE LEFT & RIGHT SIDE.THE LEFT SIDE ALMOST APPEARED TO HAVE A GREY DISCOLOURED LAYER OF NEW BONE.THE MAXILLARY PALATE WAS ALSO COVERED WITH MICRO POROSITY.THE CHANGES OBSERVED WOULD SEEM TO INDICATE AN ACTIVE RESPONSE THAT COULD POSSIBLY BE INDICATIONS OF SCURVY OR OF A GINGIVAL INFECTION.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|238|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 12-17 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|238|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 12-17 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|248|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:1.COSTAL SURFACE OF THE RIGHT CORACOID PROCESS ATTACHMENT FOR THE CONOID LIGAMENT, FORMING PART OF THE CORACOCLAVICULAR LIGAMENT.2.BOTH PELVES ON THE ILIAC CREST ATTACHMENT FOR THE EXTERNAL & INTERNAL OBLIQUE.3.BOTH FEMORA ON THE GREATER TROCHANTER ATTACHMENT FOR GLUTEUS MINIMUS & THE ILIOFEMORAL LIGAMENT.4.LEFT PATELLA ON THE ANTERIOR SURFACE ATTACHMENT FOR RECTUS FEMORIS.5.BOTH CALCANEA ATTACHMENT FOR TENDO CALCANEUS(ACHILLES TENDON). INDIVIDUAL WAS SHORT BUT ROBUST.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|248|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|Healed rickets moderately manifested in the legs.Mediolateral flattening at the proximal end of the femora and bowing at the proximal end of the tibiae, which was more marked on the left tibia.The osteophytic lipping of the distal articular surfaces of the femora may have be associated and caused by the affected gait of the individual from the stress & bowing of the lower limbs.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|248|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|248|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|253|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|GRADE 1 OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING OF THE RIGHT RIB FACETS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|253|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|Extra lumbar vertebra,L6.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|253|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|POSSIBLE EARLY INDICATION OF DISH.THE SEVERE OSTEOPYHTIC LIPPING SEEN IN THE THORACIC AND LUMBAR VERTEBRAE HAD DISH LIKE QUALITIES IN ITS FORMATION AND LOCATION BUT NO VERTEBRAE WERE FUSED.THE LIPPING WAS PREDOMINANTLY ON THE RIGHT SIDE BUT THERE WAS ALSO INVOLVEMENT OF THE LEFT SIDE.WHEN THE VERTEBRAE WERE PLACED ANATOMICALLY TOGETHER THERE WAS INTERVERTEBRAL DISC INTEGRITY AND THERE WAS NO APOPYHSEAL JOINT INVOLVEMENT.THE PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES WERE FLORID AND PROFUSE IN THE VERTEBRAE| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|253|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|Partial ankylosis at the superiror aspect of the right sacroiliac joint.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|253|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|253|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||258|MALE?|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|CONGENITAL FUSION OF THE INTERMEDIATE AND DISTAL PHALAGES OF THE R FOOT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||258|MALE?|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||258|MALE?|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||258|MALE?|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|HYPOPLASTIC BANDING ON DENTAL ROOTS| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||258|MALE?|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|HEALED FRACTURE OF THE 2ND RIGHT RIB ON CENTRAL SHAFT. WELL HEALED WITH ONLY MINEMAL SWELLING AROUND THE INJURY.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|261|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|OSTEOPHYTOSIS ALONG DORSAL LATERAL BORDER OF THE HEAD OF THE TALUS ARTICULATING WITH THE NAVICULAR APPEARING AS A MARKED RAISED SMOOTH RIM OF BONE| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|261|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|HELAED PERISOTEAL ACTIVITY OF L TIBIA: RAISED SMOOTH LONGITUDENAL STRIAE PRESENT ALONG THE MEDIAL PORTION OF THE SHAFT OF THE LEFT TIBIA.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|261|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|261|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|265|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|265|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|265|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|WELL HEALED FRACTURE ON CENTRAL PORTION OF UNSIDED RIB.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|269|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-6 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|269|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-6 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|274|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|MARKED ASYMMETRY IN THE UPPER LIMBS WITH THE LEFT SIDE BEING SHORTER IN LENGTH. ENTHESOPATHIES:1.LEFT & RIGHT ULNA PROXIMAL HEAD ATTACHMENT FOR TRICEPS.2.LEFT & RIGHT ILIAC CREST (FEATHERING) ATTACHMENT FOR EXTERNAL OBLIQUE.3.BOTH FENORA ANTERIOR SURFACE AT PROXIMAL END ATTACHMENT FOR ILIOFEMORAL LIGAMENT & ON THE POSTERIOR SURFACE AT THE PROXIMAL END ATTACHMENT FOR GLUTEUS MAXIMUS, MORE PRONOUNCED ON THE RIGHT SIDE.4.BOTH CALCANEA ATTACHMENT FOR TENDO CALCANEUS (ACHILLES TENDON)."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|274|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|GRADE 1 OSTEOPHYTIC MARGINAL LIPPING OF THE LEFT & RIGHT CARPAL BONES,DJD| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|274|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|274|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|277|MALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|277|MALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|281|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|281|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|285|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|THE MANDIBLE ON THE RIGHT SIDE ON THE LINGUAL SURFACE A DEEP DEPRESSION IN THE AREA OF THE MUSCLE ATTACHMENT FOR THE ANTERIOR BELLY OF THE DIGASTRIC.ON THE LEFT SIDE OF MANDIBLE THE MEDIAL PTERYGOID FELT MUCH THINNER AND PARTIALLY FOLDED INWARDS FORMING A GROOVE.THE RIGHT MANDIBUALR CONDYLE APPEARED FLATTENED ON THE LATERAL ASPECT.THERE APPEARED TO BE NO PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE MANDIBLE.ENTHESOPATHY:-PRONOUNCED ATTACHMENT FOR THE ILIOFEMORAL LIGAMENT ON THE PROXIMAL END OF THE LEFT FEMUR.HEAVY WEAR ON THE MAXILLARY ANTERIOR TEETH.POSSIBLY TEETH & MUSCLE DEPRESSIONS ASSOC.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|285|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Interpersonal Violence|Blunt force trauma (incl depressed cranial fracture) healed|Possible blunt force trauma on the occipital bone.The bone was damaged PM and the surface of the ectocranial surface was eroded in areas.The depression was a small thumb nail in size and hasdsmooth rounded edges indicating it was healed.There did not appear to be any radiating fractures and there was no porosity or changes on the endocranial surface.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|285|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|285|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|285|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|HEAVY WEAR ON THE MAXILLARY ANTERIOR TEETH.POSSIBLY THE WEAR OF THE TEETH COULD BE ASSOCIATED WITH THE CHAMNGES OBSERVED IN THE MANDIBLE.THE MANDIBLE ON THE RIGHT SIDE ON THE LINGUAL SURFACE A DEEP DEPRESSION IN THE AREA OF THE MUSCLE ATTACHMENT FOR THE ANTERIOR BELLY OF THE DIGASTRIC.ON THE LEFT SIDE OF MANDIBLE THE MEDIAL PTERYGOID FELT MUCH THINNER AND PARTIALLY FOLDED INWARDS FORMING A GROOVE.THE RIGHT MANDIBUALR CONDYLE APPEARED FLATTENED ON THE LATERAL ASPECT.THERE NO OTHEROBSERVED PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE MANDIBLE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|297|FEMALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|297|FEMALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|301|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|301|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|303|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|303|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|309|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Small fragment of the distal end of the shaft of the left fibula an area of fine striated and porous bone on the medial and posterior surface.?Shaft fragnents of the 4th & 5th metatarsal,striated bone,porosity and remodelled bone creating an uneven & irregualr surface.Indicating a diffuse infection of the left foot.The joints were missing PMand so it was not possible to see if they were affected.The right foot did not have these pathological changes.Some unidentified fragments of long bones appeared to have areas of porous new bone indicating an active periosteal response.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|309|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|309|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|311|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|DOWNWARD POINTING BONY SPIKY PROTUBERANCE ON ANTERIOR INFERIOR BORDER OF THE GLENOID FOSSA OF SCAPULA, PROB AS A RESULT OF MUSCLE TEAR IN AREA OF PECTORALIS MAJOR.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|311|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|311|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|315|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|315|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||323|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|OA PRESENT IN THE LOWER R ARM WITH EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE ARTICUALTION OF THE HUMERRORADIAL JOINT. THE ULNA EXHIBITED SIGNIFICANT LIPPING BUT NO EBURNATION. THE DISTAL PORTION OF THE RADIUS AND ULNA WERE LIPPED BUT NOT EBURNATED. EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE L LUNATE ARTIC. W THE L HAMATE (ALSO EBUNRATED). THE OA OF THE R ARM WAS PROB SECONDARY TO THE INJURIES OF THE ULNA. IT IS POSS. THAT THE L HAND HAD BEEN OVERCOMPENSATING FOR RESTRICTED USE OF THE R HAND??| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||323|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||323|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||323|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|VERY WELL HEALED AND REDUCED FRACTURE OF THE DISTAL 1/3 OF THE R ULNA. TYPE OF FRACTURE IS UNCLEAR AS ONLY MODERATE SWELLING PRESENT AROUND THE INJURY. THE FRACTURE CAUSED TWISTING OF THE DISTAL JOINT IN A MESIAL DIRECTION. FURTHER FRACTURES WERE PRESENT IN THE L FOOT A FINE HAIRLINE FRACTURE PRESENT ON THE MT5 ARTICULATING JOINT W THE MT4. RUNNING DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE JOINT SURFACE. THE L 1ST PROX PHLANGE HAD A HEALED FRACTURE MID SHAFT. THE OUTLINE OF THE FRACTURE SUGGEST A SPIRAL INJURY. THE BONE WAS SLIGHTLY OVERLAPPING IN AN ANTERIOR/PORTERIOR DIRECTION, CAUSING SIGNIFICANT SWELLING OF THE SHAFT."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|339|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|DEEP IMPRESSION FOR THE COSTOCLAVICULAR LIGAMENT ON THE RIGHT CLAVICLE.THE RIGHT TIBIA SUPEROR TO THE TUBEROSITY HAS A BONY RIDGE IN THE AREA OF THE ATTACHMENT FOR THE PATELLAR LIGAMENT.THIS CHANGE IS NOT SEEN ON THE LEFT SIDE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|339|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Circulatory|Other|Other (Circulatory)|Both calcancea have a notch on the anterior calcaneal facet, os calcis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|339|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|Extra lumbar vertebra and sacrilazation of L6.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|339|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non specific periostitis on the medial surface mid shaft of the right tibia.Coarse striations & some porosity but appears not to be active. Very small area on the lateral surface mid shaft of the left tibia.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|339|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Specific Infection|Tuberculosis (M.tuberculosis/bovis)|Possible TB of the spine with large destructive lytic lesion of the annulus fibrosus on the inferior centrum of Th12 and the superior centrum of L5.Some PM damage on L5 but the area does appear to be scalloped with a deep coarse & irregular surface.The change observed on Th12 is similar to that of L5 but it does not appear as deeply destructive as that seen in L5. Area of calcified deposit,?pus/cyst in the middle of the centrum of Th11 on the superior surface.Perhaps an indication of tracking pus from the infection.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|339|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|Possible soft tissue trauma, myostisis ossificans.Sharp bony projection on the medial epicondyle of the right femur.Appears as thought ossified bone at the point of the tibial collateral ligament.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|339|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|339|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|343|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Other (Congenital-Spinal Disorders)|COMPLETE ANKYLOSIS OF THE R SACROILLIAC JOINT DUE TO MALFORMATION OF THE SACRUM, WHICH WAS SKEWED IN A LEFT DIRECTION. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THIS MALFORMATION WAS DUE TO CHILDHOOD TRAUMA RATHER THAN A CONGENITAL MALFORMATION BUT THERE ARE NO CLEAR FRACTURE LINES. THE SACROILLIAC JOINT EXHIBITED SPICULAR BONE GROWTH ALONG THE POSTERIOR MARGIN .| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|343|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|343|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|343|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS see description under congenital spinal disorder.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|347|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|347|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|349|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|349|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|353|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|FLATTENING OF THE TRANSVERSE PROCESSES OF TH11,TH12 & L1.BEGINNINGS OF OSSIFICATION OF THE LIGAMENTUM FLAVUM,PARTICULARLY ON TH8 TO TH12 & L1 & L3.SMALL SPICULE OF BONE ON THE ANTERIOR SURFACE OF THE RIGHT ZYGOMATIC PROCESS.ENTHESOPATHY:-1.FEMORA PROXIMAL END ON THE ANTERIOR SURFACE MARKED AREA FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF THE ILIOFEMORAL LIGAMENT.'FRILLY' IRREGULAR EDGE TO SOME OF THE L & R RIBS COSTAL GROOVE MARGINS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|353|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|IN THE AREA SUPERIOR TO THE RIGHT MAXILLARY MOLARS THERE WAS A LAYER OF NEW BONE GROWTH & MICROPOROSTIY,POSSIBLY AN INFECTION CAUSED FROM TOOTH LOSS BUT SUGGESTING AN ACTIVE NON SPECIFIC PERIOSTEAL RESPONSE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|353|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|353|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|359|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Surgical Intervention|Other (Trauma - Surgical Intervention)|MANUBRIUM CUT FROM THE JUGULAR NOTCH TO THE RIGH DISTAL BORDER. A BREAKAGE POINT WAS PRESENT BY THE JUGULAR NOTCH . THE COLOURATION OF THE TWO HALF WAS DIFFERENT SUGGESTING THAT THE CUT WAS CARRIED OUT PREBURIAL AND NOT DURING EXCAVATION, THIS WAS FURTHER SUPPORTED BY THE VERY NEAT EDGE. THERE WAS HOWEVER NO APPARENT CUTMARKS PRESENT. THOUGH THE SKELETAL REMAINS ARE VERY FRAGMENTED NO OTHER CLEAR CUT MARKS WERE OBSERVED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|359|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|359|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|363|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|MARKED ASYMMETRY BETWEEN THE LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE.TH11 AND TH12 HAD BONY EMINENCES ON THE SUPERIOR FACETS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|363|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Other (Trauma - Accidental)|Bowing deformity of the right tibia and fibula (unilateral). A 'non traumatic plastic bowing deformity' possibly attributable to a traumatic event that caused the bones to bend to such an extent that they remained permanently bowed.The length of the right tibia was 18mm shorter than the left.There appeared to be no joint changes in the acetabulae or lower limbs. The bowing in the leg bones was not attributed to rickets as there were no other rickitous changes visible in the skeleton.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|363|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|Calcanealnavicular tarsal coalition on the left and right side.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|363|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|363|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|363|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|Congenital absence of the right lateral maxillary incisor.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|367|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin C Deficiency|Scurvy|POSSIBLE SCURVY.A PATTERN OF INCREASED POROSITY MAY HAVE INDICATED A POSSIBLE CASE OF MILD SCURVY OR A METABOLIC DISORDER.THERE WAS INCREASED POROSITY ON THE ASCENDING RAMUS & LINGUA AREA OF THE RIGHT MANDIBLE & AN AREA OF FINE POROUS WOVEN BONE ON THE RIGHT MAXILLARY PROCESS SUPERIOR TO THE DECDUOUS SECOND MOLAR,THE MAXILLARY PALATE ON THIS SIDE ALSO APPEARED MORE DEPRESSED & HAD MORE PENETRATING POROSITY.BOTH GREATER SPHENOID WINGS HAD SMALL SCATTERED AREAS OF POROSITY & THE ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE OF THE INTERNAL OCCIPITAL PROTUBERANCE. THE PATTERN & AREA OF POROSITY IN THE ORBITS MAY NOT THEN BE SOLELY ATTRIBUTED WITH CRIBRA BUT POSSIBLY SCURVY.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|367|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|367|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|383|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|SPINA BIFIDA OCCULATA: COMPLETE SEGMENTATION OF THE NEURAL ARCH. THE FUSION OF S5 OCCURED AT AN ANGLE CAUSING PREMATURE FUSION ON THE RIGHT SIDE| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|383|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|383|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|392|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|TWO DISTINCT PATCHES OF POROUS ACTIVE BONE GROWTH OVERLYING THE ORIGINAL CORTEX ON THE FRONTAL BONE BY FRONTAL GROOVE. FURTHER POROSITY PRESENT ON POTERIOR PORTION OF THE STERNAL END OF THE L CLAVICLE WITH RAGGED LESIONS PRESENT ON THE JOINT SURFACE. FURTHER LAYER OF THIN POROUS PORTIC BONE GROWTH PRESENT ON THE DISTAL MEDIAL PORTION OF THE R FEMUR. ALL PERISOTEAL CHANGES APPEARED ACTIVE AT THE TIME OF DEATH THERE WAS NO SIGN OF HEALING OR REACTION WITH THE ORIGINAL CORTICAL SURFACE. THE CHANGES MAY HAVE BEEN A REPONSE TO BLEEDING. POSSIBLY LINKED TO THE ADVANCED CRIBRA THOUGH THESE RESPONSES ARE NOT COMMONLY SEEN IN ASSOSCIATION.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|392|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Infectious|Specific Infection|Treponematosis (Treponema sp.)|DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS flagged after completion of chelsea report due to alternative diagnostic criteria considerations. see discripition under non specific periositis and porotic hyperostosis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|392|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|3 (Large and small isolated foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|392|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|3 (Large and small isolated foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|392|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Porotic hyperostosis|TWO DISTINCT PATCHES OF POROUS ACTIVE BONE GROWTH OVERLYING THE ORIGINAL CORTEX ON THE FRONTAL BONE BY FRONTAL GROOVE| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|407|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:1.FEATHERING OF THE ILIAC CRESTS FOR THE EXTERNAL OBLIQUE MUSCLE.2.BOTH FEMORA THE GREATER TROCHANTER FOR THE ATTACHMENT GLUTEUS MEDIUS AND MINIMUS AND THE ATTACHMENT AT THE PROXIMAL END ON THE POSTERIOR SURFACE FOR GLUTEUS MAXIMUS.3.LEFT PATELLA ANTERIOR SURFACE FOR RECTUS FEMORIS.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|407|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Kyphoscoliosis|Kyphoscoliosis-Severe spinal deformity particularly in the thoracic vertebrae. See PBR.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|407|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|The left and right 4th metatarsal appeared to be perfectly formed with no pathological changes to the joints but had been stunted in the shaft length.The length was noticeably reduced when compared to the corresponding metatarsals.The tarsals and metarsals all had Grade 1 osteophytic lipping.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|407|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis of the left & right carpal bones.All had Grade 1 osteophytic lipping. On both sides the carpal bones with smooth, polished eburnated joint surfaces were the triquetral and pisiform.The left and right metacarpals and phalanges had Grade 1 osteophytic lipping at the proximal and distal ends.The tarsals and metatarsals also all had Grade 1 osteophytic lipping.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|407|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis|Possible osteoporosis.(2nd metacarpal taken for testing).skeletal elements feel very light and friable.The blades of the scapulae re noticeably thinner and appeared almost translucent when held to the light.However, the severe kyphoscoliosis of the spine would have seriously impeded the normal movement and weight bearing capacity of this individuals which may have had an adverse affect upon the bone quality.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|407|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|407|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|411|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|Possible residual rickets? marked anterior bowing of both femora. No other elements were affected and it may simply be due to mechanical stress???| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|411|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|411|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|419|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|DEEP MENINGEAL IMPRESSIONS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|419|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|SINUSITIS.A LATTICE TYPE APPEARANCE OF NEW BONE IN THE LEFT SINUS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|419|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|419|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|426|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|426|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1739||430|FEMALE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1739||430|FEMALE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1739||430|FEMALE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Miscellaneous|Hyperostosis frontalis interna|Smooth nodular bone on the endocranial surface of the frontal bone either side of the crista galli producing an undulated surface to the bone.The most pronounced nodule was on the right side.Possibly Stage 2 of hyperostosis frontalis interna.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|432|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"OSSIFICATION OF THE ANTERIOR SPINAL LIGAMENT RESULTING IN NODULAR BONE GROWTH ON THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE L1-4."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|432|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|OA OF HANDS: EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE MCPJ OF BOTH MC1'S ALONG THE MESIAL DORSAL BORDER. EBURNATION FURTHER PRESENT ON BOTH TRAPEZIUM ARTICULATION W THE SCAPHOID.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|432|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|432|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|432|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|POSSIBLE VERY WELL HEALED FRACTURE OF THE R MC1. BOTH MC1'S APPEAR ALMOST "TWISTED" BUT THE PALMAR ARCH ON THE R MC1 IS MORE PRONOUNCED AND THE BONE HAS SIGNIFICANT REDUCTION IN SIZE COMPARED TO THE L?| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|434|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:-1.FEATHERING OF THE RIGHT ILIAC CREST FOR THE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL OBLIQUE MUSCLE.2.POSTERIOR SURFACE OF THE RIGHT FEMUR ATTACHMENT FOR VASTUS MEDIALIS AND ADUCTOR LONGUS. 3.MARKED ATTACHMENT FOR THE SOLEUS ON THE RIGHT TIBIA."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|434|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|SLIGHT LIPPING AT THE DISTAL END OF THE RIGHT HUMERUS ON THE MEDIAL AND LATERAL CONDYLES FOR THE COMMON FLEXOR AND EXTENSOR ORIGIN MUSCLE ATTACHMENT,DJD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|434|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Scoliosis|Possible scoliosis.Vertebrae damaged PM.The lumbar vertebrae when placed anatomically appeared to have a wedge shape to the centrums but did align well.L1 appeared to be more compressed on the left side of the centrum.The ribs had a sharp angle at the head and appeared to be markedly curved possibly due to the uneven stress of the scoliosis and abnormality of the spine.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|434|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Small area of remodelled striated bone on the medial surface mid shaft of the right tibia.Indicating healed response.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|434|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis| 2nd Metacarpal taken to test for osteoporosis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|434|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|434|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|436|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"ENTHESOPATHIES PRESNET ON T3-T6 SPINOUS PROCESSES"| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|436|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE L FEMORAPATELLAR JOINT SURFACE ALONG THE MEDIAL BORDER OF THE JOINT IN ONE LONG STRIP. PATELLA NOT PRESENT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|436|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|MYOSITIS OSSIFICANS: MUSCLE TEAR BELOW THE MEDIAL FEMOROTIBIAL JOINT. DOWNWARD PENCELLING OF BONE MEASURING 12MM IN LENGTH. THIS INJURY PROB CORRELATES WITH THE OA OF THE FEMORAPATELLAR JOINT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|436|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|436|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|440|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS.THE PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES OBSERVED IN THIS SUB ADULT INDICATED MORE AN APPEARANCE ASSOCIATED WITH THE CHANGES GENERALLY FOUND IN THOSE SUFFERING FROM SCURVY( RECORDED AND DESCRIBED UNDER THE HEADING SCURVY).HOWEVER, THE CHANGES OF THE LONG BONES WITH THE SWOLLEN APPEARANCE AND THAT OF THE RIBS AT THE STERNAL END COULD AS AN ALTERNATIVE BE ATTRIBUTED TO CHANGES IDENTIFIED IN RICKETS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|440|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin C Deficiency|Scurvy|POSSIBLE HEALED SCURVY. A SWOLLEN APPEARANCE TO THE DISTAL END OF THE LEFT RADIUS AND ULNA, WITH THE SWELLING MANIFESTING FROM THE METAPHYSIS AND CHANGING THE NORMAL LINE OF THE BONE. THE RIBS WERE ALSO SWOLLEN AT THE STERNAL END ON THE LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE.A LINE DEMARCATING THE JOINT SURFACE AT THE DISTAL END OF THE FEMORA AND PROXIMAL END OF THE TIBIAE WAS ALSO VISIBLE.THERE WAS SOME INCREASE TO POROSITY OF THE MAXILLA BUT THERE WAS NONE ON THE SPHENOID.THE PATTERN OF THE CHANGES WOULD APPEAR TO INDICATE A METABOLIC DISORDER SUCH AS SCURVY THAT HAD HEALED.A DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS COULD BE THE MEATABOLIC DISORDER RICKETS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|440|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|440|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|446|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Neoplastic|Bone Tissue|Osteoma (including button osteoma)|VERY SMALL POSSIBLE BUTTON OSTEOMA SITUATED ON THE L OUTER PORTION OF THE FRONTAL BONE MESUREING 4X4MM. THE NODULE WAS SMOOTH AND ROUNDED IN SHAPE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|446|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|446|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|453|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|CONGENITAL FUSION OF AN INTERMIDIATE AND DISTAL PHALANX OF THE R FOOT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|453|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION AND MILD LIPPING AND PITTING PRESENT ON THE R ACROMIOCLAVICULAR JOINT SURFACE. EBURNATION WAS FURTHER OBSERVED IN THE L MTPJ OF THE L MT1.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|453|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|C5-6 IN PARTIAL FUSION ALONG THE L PROTION OF THE VB BODY. C5-6 FUSED. CANDLEWAX FUSION ON R SIDE OF TH6-9. DISC-SPACE AND APOPHYSEAL JOINTS NOT AFFECTED. FEATHERING PRESENT ALONG THE POSTERIORLATERAL PORTION OF THE ILLIAC CREST AND MODERATE EXOSTSIS PRESENT ON THE PLANTAR PORTION OF BOTH CALCANIE| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|453|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|BILATERAL OSSIFICATION OF THE LIGAMENT RUNNING ALONG THE SUPERIOR BORDER OF SACROILLIAC JOINT PROB A REACTION TO THE DISH.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|453|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|LARGE SMOOTH EXOSTOSIS ON THE L PORTION OF THE OCCIPITAL BELOW THE NUCHAL CREST PROTRUDING DOWNWARDS ~16.3MM.THE WIDTH OF THE PROTUBRANCE IS 12.5MM. POSSIBLY CAUSED BY TEARING OF THE TRAPEZIUS. FURTHER EXTENSIVE EXOSTOSIS PRESENT ON THE PLANTAR PORTION OF THE R FOOT. BONES AFFECTED WERE THE CALCANEUS, NAVICULAR, CUBOID, CUNEIFORM AND MT2-5 GIVING THE IMPRESSION THIS WAS CAUSED BY SEVERE RUPTURE OF THE LONG PLANTAR LIGAMENT. THE EXTRA BONE IS RAGGED AND IRREGULAR WITH NODULAR OUTGROWTHS, THOUGH THE MT'S HAD NOT FUSED THEY WERE IN THE PROCESS OF DOING SO. IT WAS ONLY THE PROXIMAL 3RD OF THE MT'S THAT WAS AFFECTED. THE DISTAL PORTION OF THE TALUS, MT'S AND THE PHALAGES WERE COMPLETLY NORMAL.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|453|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|453|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|453|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|POORLY ALIGNED BUT WELL HEALLED FRACTURE OF ON THE CENTRAL SHAFT OF THE R CLAVICLE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|456|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|ACTIVE CHILDHOOD RICKETS. DISTINCT FLARING OF DISTAL RADIUS AND ULNA. MARKED PITTING PRESENT I L ULNA CAUSED BY THE OSTEOCLASTIC/BLASTIC ACTIVITIES CAUSING THE FLARING OF THE BONE. THE RIBS EXHIBITED STERNAL FLARING EXTENDING 7MM UP THE SHAFT. THE FEMORA WERE MODERATELY BOWED IN ANTERIOR DIRECTION AND HAVE PRONOUNCED FLARING OF THE DISTAL MEDIAL PORTION OF THE EPIPHYSIS AS WELL AS FLATTENING OF THE PROXIMAL DIAPHYSES. THE TIBIAE EXHIBIT THE DISTINCT ANGULATION OF THE DISTAL EPIPHYSIS SLOPING DOWNWARD IN A LATERAL DIRECTION.THE RICKETS APPEARED TO HAVE BEEN ACTIVE AT THE TIME OF DEATH DUE AS THE EPIPHYSES AFFECTED DISPLAY THE PITTIED POROSITY CAUSED BY THE REACTIVE FLARING.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|456|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|456|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|460|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Other (Metabolic - General)|DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS TO THAT DESCRIBED IN THE NON SPECIFIC PERIOSTEAL SECTION COULD PERHAPS BE A METABOLIC DISORDER.HOWEVER THE CHANGES OBSERVED ON THE ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE DID NOT APPEAR TO FOLLOW SOME OF THE CLASSIC CHANGES RECORDED FOR THE MORE COMMONLY OBSERVED METABOLIC DISORDERS.THE AREAS OF INCREASED POROSITY MAY BE ASSOCIATED TO A METABOLIC DISORDER SUCH AS SCURVY WHERE ONE RESPONSE/OUTCOME IS HAEMORRHAGING| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|460|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|AREAS OF INCREASED POROSITY & FINE PLAQUE LIKE BONE ON THE ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE OF THE PARIETALS,PARTICULARLY FOLLOWING THE INTERNAL LINE OF THE SAGITTAL SUTURE.THE OCCIPITAL BONE ALSO EXHIBITS THESE CHANGES & PARTICULARLY IN THE R.CEREBRAL FOSSA & THE LEFTCEREBELLA FOSSA.THE FRONTAL BONE ON THE ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE ALSO HAS DIFFUSE/SCATTERED AREAS OF INCREASED MICROPOROSITY & FINE NEW BONE APPEARING MAINLY AT THE END OF THE BRANCHES OF THE MENINGEAL VESSEL FURROWS.THE INTERNAL SURFACE OF THE SQUAMOUS BONE ON THE L & R TEMPORAL BONES ALSO HAS MICROPOROSITY & NEW BONE. ? INFLAMATION OF THE MENINGES THAT WAS ACTIVE. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS ?METABOLIC DISORDER/HAEMORRHAGING.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|460|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|460|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1712||462|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"MARKED ENTHESOPATHY ON L & R TIBIAL TUBEROSITY FOR THE PATELLAR LIGAMENT.L & R CALCANEA ACHILLES TENDON MARKED ENTHESOPATHY.ON THE ANTERIOR SURFACE OF THE CENTRUM OF L2 AND L3 AREA OF RAISED BONE POSSIBLE PARTIAL OSSIFICATION OF THE ANTERIOR LIGAMENT."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1712||462|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1712||462|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1712||462|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|HEALED FRACTURE OF L HUMERUS. FRACTURE BADLY REDUCED ANGULATING PROXIMAL 1/3 OF SHAFT IN A MESIAL DIRECTION (~120 DEGREES) SWELLING APPARENT AROUND THE BREAKAGE POINT. EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE INFERIOR HALF OF THE GLENOID CAVITY AND MARGINAL LIPPING.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|466|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESPOATHIES:1.BOTH FEMORA THE GREATER TROCHANTER FOR THE ATTACHMENT GLUTEUS MINIMUS.2.BOTH FEMORA THE LESSER TROCHANTER FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF PSOAS MAJOR AND ILIACUS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|466|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Other (Trauma - Accidental)|The left 5th,4th & 3rd metatarsals had a possible healed trauma affecting the distal ends of the shafts & the dorsal & plantar surface superior to the intermediate articulating joints between the metatarsals.There was slight overlap between the 5th & 4th metatarsal and a bony ridge on the dorsal surface superior to the joints.The articular bases of the metarsals had not been affected.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|466|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non specific periostitis of the left tibia on the medial shaft surface with striations, porosity & micro porosity and with remodelled lamellar bone sitting on the cortical surface of the shaft.The appearance of the bone indicated a prolonged infection that had been both active and healed.The changes on the left tibia were slight in comparison with small patches of striaed bone on the medial & lateral surface.There were also possibly fine straitions on the anterior shaft surface of the left femur but it was difficult to be conclusive.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|466|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|466|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|469|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-6 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|469|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-6 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|474|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHY:-1.ANTERIRO SURFACE OF THE PATELLAE ATTACHMENT FOR RESTUS FEMORIS| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|474|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Diffuse OA. Left and right humeroradial joint margins had Grade 2 osteophytic lipping and the articulating surfaces had become smooth and eburnated. The humerii had a round area of eburnated bone, the radii heads had 'crescent' shaped areas of eburnation.The right carpal bones had Grade 1 marginal osteophytic lipping with the carpometacarpal joint of the first metacarpal being most affected with Grade 2 lipping and smooth, polished eburnated bone surfaces. The left carpometacarpal of the first metacarpal was most severely affected with complete distortion and destruction to the saddle joint of the trapezium and the base of the first metacarpal. The joint surfaces were also smooth, highly polished and eburnated. The left distal interphalangeal joint of the first metacarpal also had Grade 1 osteophytic marginal lipping.L & R femoropatellar joint.Both femora on the anterior joint surface had Grade 2 osteophytic lipping and towards the lateral aspect of the joint surface there was cysting and smooth eburnated bone. The patellae on the posterior lateral joint surface were porous and polished but with grooving evident to the eburnation & Grade 2 marginal lipping.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|474|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|474|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|483|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ON THE ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE OF THE SPHENOID BONE AROUND THE FORAMEN ROTUNDUM THE BONE SURFACE IS COVERED BY SMALL SMOOTH EDGED CIRCULAR DEFECTS. THIS IS THE AREA THROUGH WHICH THE MAIXLLARY NERVE OF THE SECOND BRANCH OF THE 5TH CRANIAL NERVE (TRIGEMINAL) PASSES.POSSIBLY A PROBLEM WITH THE SPHENOID SINUSES.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|483|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis|Extremely light & friable bones.Thinning of the left iliac fossa.Flattening & thinning of the costal grooves with vertical bone struts visible in the thinning bone.(pers com Rachel Ives)To test 2nd metacarpal to be taken.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|483|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|483|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|483|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|Edentulous (maxilla and mandible).| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|485|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|ANTERIOR REDUCTION OF VERTEBRAL BODY HEIGHT ON T7-10 CAUSING THE SPINE TO CURVE FORWARD. LARGE SN's IN AREA AFFECTED BUT LIPPING IS ONLY MODERATE. MORE LIKELY TO BE DUE TO DEGENRATIVE CHANGES THAN CONGENITAL| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|485|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Kyphosis|DIFFERNENTIAL DIAGNOSIS see description under (other) joint-miscellaneous.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|485|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|SIGNIFICANT ENLARGEMENT OF THE R ACETABULUM AND FEMORAL HEAD. FEMORAL HEAD MUSHROOM SHAPED DUE TO THE EXTENSIVE LIPPING. MARKED PITTING/POROSITY ALONG THE SUPERIOR 1/2 AND CENTRE OF THE JOINT. EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE CENTRAL PORTION OF THE ACETABULUM AND ON SUPERIOR 1/2 OF THE FEMORAL HEAD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|485|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|485|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|490|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments| SLIGHTLY 'FRILLY'EDGE TO THE STERNAL ENDS OF SOME OF THE RIGHT RIBS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|490|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Possible non specific perisoteal reaction of the humerii with an increase in porosity observed mid shaft on the lateral aspect.The changes observed may be a response to microtrauma of the area and the associated muscle attachments.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|490|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|490|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|494|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:1. BOTH PELVES ILIAC CREST ATTACHMENT FOR EXTERNAL OBLIQUE AND INGUINAL LIGAMNET.2.BOTH FEMORA PROXIMAL END ANTERIOR SURFACE ATTACHMENT FOR QUADRATUS FEMORIS & PECTINEUS.THE GREATER TROCHANTER ATTACHMENT FOR GLUTEUS MEDIUS.3.BOTH PATALLAE ANTERIOR SURFACE ATTAHCMENT FOR RECTUS FEMORIS.3.BOTH FIBULAE LATERAL MALLEOLUS ATTACHMENT FOR ANTERIOR TALOFIBULAR LIGAMENT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|494|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|GRADE 1 MARGINAL OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING OF THE RIGHT CARPAL BONES,DJD.THE LUMBAR VERTEBRAE HAD SEVERE MARGINAL OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING,ALTHOUGH THERE WAS NO FUSION.UNFORTUNATELY THE THORACIC VERTEBRAE WERE MISSING PM AND SO IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH IF ANY WERE FUSED TO POSSIBLY SUGGEST THE PRESENCE OF DISH.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|494|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|Extra lumbar vertebra,L6.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|494|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|494|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||496|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|EXTRANUMARY (L6) LUMBAR VERTEBRA.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||496|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION AND LIPPING PRESENT ON THE MCPJ OF R MC2.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||496|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||496|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||496|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|POSSIBLE VERY WELL HEALED FRACTURE OF THE NASAL BONE. TWO SMALL FORAMINA PRESENT ON THE MOST ANTERIOR PORTION ON EITHER SIDE OF THE RHINION OF THE NASAL BONES ~2.5MM. NASAL BONE VERY PROTRUDING BUT SO IS THE NASOSPINALE AND THIS MAY SIMPLY BE A NORMAL TRAIT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|502|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:-1.BOTH ULNAE ATTACHMENT FOR TRICEPS, MORE PRONOUNCED LEFT SIDE.2.LEFT GREATER TROCHANTER ATTACHMENT FOR GLUTEUS MINIMUS & MEDIUS.BOTH FEMORA ON THE POSTERIOR SURFACE MID WAY ALONG LINEA ASPERA VERY PRONOUNCED OVERLAP OF BONE FOR ATTACHMENT OF ADDUCTOR BREVIS.ALSO ATTACHMENT FOR VASTUS LATERALIS & ADDUCTOR MAGNUS.3.LEFT PATELLA ANTERIOR SURFACE RECTUS FEMORIS.4.BOTH TIBIAE ATTACHMENT FOR SOLEUS.5.BOTH CALCANEA ATTACHMENT FOR TENDO CALCANEUS(ACHILLES TENDON).| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|502|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Other (Joints -Osteoarthritis)|Possible trauma to the left foot resulting in osteoarthritic changes to the joints.The most affected joint surfaces were between the medial cuneiform & the 1st metatarsal with Grade 2 marginal osteophytic lipping, distortion of the joint surfaces, cysting & a small area of eburnation on the lateral margin.The intermediate & lateral cuneiforms had osteophytic spicules on their drosal surfaces & there was marginal lipping of the navicular bridging across the articulation between these cuneiforms.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|502|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Two rib shaft fragments small raised smooth plaque like areas of new bone on the visceral surface.Possibly an indication of a chest infection.Possible area of reactive bone at the neck of the right femur and a very small area on the acromial spine of the left scapula.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|502|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Grade 2 osteophytic marginal lipping of the left & right carpometacarpal joint of the first metacarpal & an area of smooth eburnated bone on the palmar margin.(Slightly more noticeable on the right side.All the carpal bones had Grade 1 osteophytic lipping.Small area of smooth eburnated bone on the plantar surface of the head of the right 1st metatarsal.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|502|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis|Possible osteoporosis.Thinning of iliac fossa in the pelves, when held to the light an opaque quality.The older age category of the individual would make this plausible but there were no colles fractures or vertebral collapse which have been found to be associated with individuals affected with osteoporosis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|502|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|502|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|505|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|505|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|507|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Circulatory|Other|Other (Circulatory)|L Os Calcis. notch present on anterior aspect of L calcaneum (Mann & Hunt 2005,206)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|507|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|507|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|509|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|PARTIAL ANKYLOSIS OF R SACROILLIAC JOINT WITH FUSION ALONG THE INFERIOR DEMIFACE. OTHERWISE THE INTEGRITY OF THE JOINT SURFACE WAS INTACT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|509|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|509|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|511|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|511|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|514|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|514|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|516|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA, COMPLETE SEGMENTATION FALIURE OF S1-S5.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|516|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|EARLY ANKYLOSIS CAUSED BY OSSIFIACTION OF THE SACROILLIAC LIGAMENT ALONG THE SUPERIOR BORDER OF THE R SACROILLIAC JOINT. DUE TO POSTMORTEM DAMAGE ADVANCEMENT OF FUSION CANNOT BE CONFIRMED BUT THE ACTUAL JOINT SURFACE HAS REMAINED INTACT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|516|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|516|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|523|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|523|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1730||525|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"MARKED ENTHESOPATHIES ON LINEA ASPERA OF BOTH FEMORA.OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING ON PROX AND DIST INTERMEDIATE PHALANGES.LARGE TRICEPS MUSCLE ATTACHEMENT."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1730||525|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|BILATERAL CONGENITAL FUSION OF ONE INTERMIDIATE AND DISTAL PHALAGES OF THE FOOT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1730||525|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE LATERAL CONDYLE OF THE L DISTAL HUMERUS AND THE HEAD OF THE L RADIUS. BOTH ULNAE WERE WIDENED AND HAD EXTENSIVE OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING. EBURNATION WAS FURTHER PRESENT ON THE LATERAL PORTION OF THE FEMORAPATELLAR JOINT SURFACE AND THE PATELLAR ARTICULATIONS. MARKED LIPPING PRESENT ON THE FEMURS AND THE PATELLAE WITH MARKED ENTHESOPATHIES PRESENT ON THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE PATELLAE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1730||525|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|CANDLEWAX RIGHT SIDED FUSION OF T3-11 AND MARKED OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING ON THE L & R SIDE OF THE LUMBAR VERTEBRAE, WHICH ALSO DISPLAYED CALCIFICATION OF THE ANTERIOR LIGAMENT IN FORM OF NODULAR BONY GROWTH ON THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE VERTEBRAL BODIES. THE DISC SPACE OF THE VB WERE MAINTAINED AND THE APOPHYSEAL JOINT WERE NOT AFFECTED. FEATHERING OF THE ILLIAC CREST IS PRESENT AS WELL AS MODERATE ENTHESOPAHTIES ON THE POST. CALCANIE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1730||525|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|BILATERAL ANKYLOSIS OF THE BORDER AROUND THE APEX OF THE SACROILLIAC JOINT. FUSION DOES NOT APPEAR TO HAVE AFFECTED THE ACTUAL JOINT SURFACE.PROB ASSOCIATED WITH THE DISH (SEE SEPERATE DISCRIPTION)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1730||525|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1730||525|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|527|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|UNFUSED BIFID RIB. BONY EXTESION CONNECTION TWO LOWER RIBS. FUSION HAD NOT TAKEN PLACE BUT A FALSE JOINT WAS FORMED BY THE HEAD OF THE LOWER RIB.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|527|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE CMCJ OF THE 1ST MC. THE WHOLE JOINT WAS POLISHED WITH PITTING ALONG THE BORDER.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|527|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|527|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|532|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|532|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|532|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|TOOTH MODIFICATION PRESENT IN 11 & 21. VERY ROUNDED HALF NOTCH ALONG BITING EDGE (LARGEST IS 5MM IN WIDTH (11) AND THE SMALLER (21) 2.7MM). PIPE FACET ?| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|534|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|534|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|540|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT PERINATAL|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|540|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT PERINATAL|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|544|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|544|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|552|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHY:-1.MARKED ATTACHMENT FOR THE ILIOFEMORAL LIGAMENT ON THE THE PROXIMAL END OF THE RIGHT FEMUR AND THE GLUTEUS MEDIUS."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|552|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non-specific periostitis on the anterior shaft surface of both femora.Fine and coarse striations and porosity with a more active area on the distal aspect of the left femur with microporosity.Small area of striation and porosity on the right tibia mid shaft on the lateral surface.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|552|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|552|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|562|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis of the hands and left foot. Right carpometacarpal joint for the 1st metacarpal Grade 1 marginal osteophytic lipping & a smooth polished eburnated surface.The left scaphoid surface for articulation with the radius was highly polished,smooth and eburnated as were the articulation joint surfaces for the lunate and capitate. The left & right carpal bones all had Grade 1 marginal osteophytic lipping.The proximal head of the left 1st metatarsal had Grade 2 marginal osteophytic lipping,cysting & eburnation.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|562|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|562|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|565|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|565|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|567|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|SLIGHT LATERAL WEDGING OF THE LUMBAR VERTEBRAE L1 TO L3. QUITE A PROMINENT OCCIPITAL BONE THAT WAS SIMILAR IN APPEARANCE TO BATHROCEPHALY BUT NOT WITH THE PRONOUNCED STEP BETWEEN THE OCCIPITAL AND PARIETALS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|567|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Other (Congenital-Spinal Disorders)|Possible congenital defect of the transverse processes of C7, with an extension,(hyperplasia) of the left and right transverse process.The left side having the formation of two foramina.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|567|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|567|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|579|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 12-17 YEARS|Trauma|Interpersonal Violence|Sharp force trauma (edged implement) healed|SMALL U-SHAPED INDETATION ON ABOVE LEFT ORBIT OF THE FRONTAL BONE. THE INJURY MEASURE ~7MM IN WIDTH AND 2MM IN THICKNESS. THE EDGES APPEAR SMOOTH AND ROUNDED. THE "WOUND" EXPOSES THE DIPLOE. (POST MORTEM??)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|579|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 12-17 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|579|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 12-17 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|583|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE SITUATED ALONG THE MEDIAL BORDER OF THE ANTERIOR FEMORAPATELLAR JOINT. ALSO PRESENT ON THE PATELLA. L MANDIBULAR CONDYLE SHOWED EXTENSIVE DEGRADATION WITH THE CONDYLE VERY REDUCED IN SIZE AND EXTENSIVE LIPPING. THE MANDIBULAR FOSSAE WERE DIFFERENT IN SHAPE. THE JOINT WITH NO DJD WAS OVAL IN AN ANTRIOR POSTERIOR DIRECTION WHILST ON THE L SIDE THE OVAL SHAPE EXTENDS MEDIAL LATERAL.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|583|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|583|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|587|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:-1.RIGHT ULNA ATTACHMENT FOR TRICEPS. ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE MANDIBLE ON THE POSTERIOR SURFACE THERE IS AN INDENTATION IN THE BONE.NO INDICATION OF INFECTION OR TRAUMA.2.LEFT AND RIGHT CALCANEUS MUSCEL ATTACHMENT FOR THE TENDO CALCANEA(ACHILLES TENDON)"| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|587|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritic changes of the left & right knee joint.The anterior joint surface of the femora & posterior surface on the lateral condyle of the patella haD grade 2 marginal osteopyhtic lipping, porosity & smooth polished eburnated bone that had a grooved appearance.Grade 2 osteophytic lipping of the L + R carpals. Eburnation of the right carpometacarpal joint of the 1st metacarpal.Grade 2 lipping of the L + R tarsals.Eburnation of the right navicular cuboid joint surfaces & eburnation of the L+R cuneiforms & plantar surface of the left first metatarsal.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|587|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis|Possible osteoporosis. Very light & friable bones with consideable thinning of the iliac fossa in the pelves.The healed colles fracture of the radius could be attributable to the presence of osteoporosis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|587|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|587|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|587|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|EDENTULOUS| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|587|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Well healed & aligned Colles fracture at the distal end of the right radius.The intra articular surface also has become involved with an enlargement to the distal joint surface areas & a line of separation is visible between the articulation for the scaphoid & lunate.There are no indications of infection & no secondary osteoarthritic responses.What is most noticeable is the marked assymmetry between the two radii.The left is 217mm in length & the right is 226mm, a 9mm difference.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|593|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|The distal phalanges of the feet exhibit erosive lesions appearing flared and feather like DISTAL ENDS, THIS IS THE CASE FOR TWO RIGHT DISTAL PHALANGES AND ONE LEFT PHALANGE. THE FIRST DISTAL PHALANGE IS TAPERED TOWARDS THE DISTAL END WITH LOSS OF BONE ON THE LATERAL PORTION. THIS DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE POST MORTEM THOUGH THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ACTIVE EROSION. ON THE LEFT INTERMEDIATE PHALANX OF THE 4TH OR 5TH MT EXHIBITS EBURNATION ON THE PLANTAR BORDER OF THE JOINT SURFACE .| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|593|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Kyphosis|OA present in the cervical spine with IVD in C3-7. It appeared there was a reduction of the disk height of the vertebral bodies of T8-L1. The reduction was not marked but sufficient to generate slight kyphosis of the spine| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|593|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Present on the lower anterior portion of the left radius is an extra cortical new bone growth appearing as fine cortical pitting| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|593|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|The arm bones were very light with mild OA of shoulder and elbow joint. The bicipital tuberosity of the right radius is enlarged with lipping.The left arm exhibited eburnation of the distal ulna and the distal radiaulnar surface. On the right hand the joint surface of the advanced OA was present in the joints of the 1st prox. & dist. phalange with extensive lipping on the dorsal margin and pitted lesions on the medial and lateral portion of the proximal phalanx. The joint surface of the 5th intermediate and distal phalange was porous with deformation of the joint surface. Extensive lipping and eburnation present on the surface. Marked pitting and deformation of the joint surface of the left intermediate and proximal phalanges similar to those in the right hand, but less extensive as eburnation was not present on the joint. The left knee joint exhibited degenerative wear on the medial portion. On the femoral condyle a small patch of eburnation is present on the lateral border of the medial condyle. The lateral proximal surface of the tibia exhibited extensive pitting and marginal lipping.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|593|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis|All the bones of this skeleton appeared very light and more friable than expected for a robust males and it was been considered that the individual may have suffered from osteoporosis. There was however no thinning of the iliac fossa or any other notable signs of osteoporosis but an x-ray will be carried out on a MC2. All ribs were very light and friable but no fractures, pitting or scalloping along the inferior border were observed.The scapula did not exhibit any of the classic signs of bulging and thinning associated with osteoporosis.The pelvis is again very light but no changes related to osteoporosis were observed .| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|593|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Circulatory|Osteochondroses|Osteochondritis dissicans|Both patellar surfaces had osteochodritis dissecans present on the lateral articular facet by the vastus notch. The lesions are srounded and appear to have developed as two circular formation with smooth borders and pitting along the border .| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|593|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|593|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|593|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Fracture of the L MC1 had significantly reduced the length of the bone. The healing has caused bowing of the shaft in a palmar direction with overlapping on the palmar portion. The distal phalange of the L 1st MC likewise exhibited a fine transverse fracture immediately above the proximal joint surface. The healing caused slight bending of the bone causing the proximal to tilt upward.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|597|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:-1.MARKED MUSCLE ATTACHMENT OF THE REFLECTED HEAD OF RECTUS FEMORIS ON THE SUPERIOR ASPECT OF THE RIGHT ACETBAULUM AND THE ILIOFEMORAL LIGAMENT ON THE ANTERIOR INFERIOR ILIAC SPINE SURFACE. 'FEATHERING' OF THE ILIAC CREST(MOST WAS MISSING AND DAMAGED PM)."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|597|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|JOINT SURFACE OSTEOPHYTE OF THE RIGHT FEMORAL HEAD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|597|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis of the right elbow.Smooth poilshed eburnated bone on the articular surfaces of the right humeral capitulum & right radial head making up the humeroradial joint.The humeral trochlea & ulna have grade 2 osteophytic lipping but no eburnation.The proximal interphalangeal joints between the right 2nd & 3rd metacarpal are smooth & eburnated as are the middle interphalangeal joints of the 2nd,3rd &4th metacarpals.The 3rd is more severe.Grade 1 osteophytic lipping of the articular margins| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|597|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|597|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|608|FEMALE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Trauma|Interpersonal Violence|Blunt force trauma (incl depressed cranial fracture) healed|POSSIBLE BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA SITUATED ON THE L FRONTAL BONE ALONG THE BORDER OF THE CORONAL SUTURE. APPEARING AS A SLIGHT RAISED AREA WITH UNDEFINED EDGES MEASURING ~ 30X30MM. THERE WAS NO ENDOCRANIAL REACTION. THE AREA AROUND THE BULGE WAS SLIGHTLY POROTIC.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|608|FEMALE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|608|FEMALE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|612|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:-1.MARKED MUSCEL ATTACHMENTS ON BOTH HUMERII FOR TERES MAJOR AND DELTOID2.RIGHT FEMUR PROXIMAL END GREATER TROCHANTER ATTACHMENT FOR GLUTEUS MINIMUS,MAXIMUS AND THE ILIOFEMORAL LIGAMENT."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|612|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|612|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|615|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Osteomalacia|MULTIPLE UNHEALED FRACTURED RIBS. FRATCTURS SITUATED 10-20MM FROM THE TUBERCLE. 7 FRACTURES OF R RIBS AND 1 LEFT RIB. THE SCAPULA HAD A HAIRLINE FRATURE ON BOTH THE ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR PORTION OF THE NECK OF THE ACROMION.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|615|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis|THORACIC VERTEBRAE EXHIBITED EXTENSIVE POROSITY OF THE TRABECULE BONE. IT IS POSSILE THAT THIS IS AN EFFECT OF THE OSTEOMALACIA OR IT COULD BE UNDERLYING OSTEOMALACIA.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|615|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|615|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1836||622|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|THE BONE DENSITY OF THE HUMERII FEELS VERY LIGHT AND FRIABLE, AS DO THE RIB FRAGMENTS & VERTEBRAE,?OSTEOPOROSIS. ENTHESOPATHY:-MARKED MUSCLE ATTACHMENT ON BOTH HUMERII FOR TERES MAJOR.(SEVERE DEGENERATIVE CHANGES & OA OF THE VERTEBRAE).| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1836||622|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|SLIGHT OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING OF THE RIGHT HUMERAL MEDIAL EPICONDYLE,DJD. (SEVERE DEGENERATIVE CHANGES & OA OF THE VERTEBRAE).| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1836||622|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1836||622|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|628|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis|POSSIBLE OSTEOPOROSIS. THE SKELETAL REMAINS APPEARED VERY POROUS AND LIGHT. THE CORTICAL BONE IN THE CROSS SECTION OF THE FEMUR WAS VERY THIN AND THE SACRUM WAS FLATTENED. THE VB WERE VERY FRAGMENTED AND POROUS. THE PELVIS WAS NORMAL IN SHAPE BUT AGAIN VERY LIGHT. X-RAYS WILL BE CARRIED OUT OF THE LMC2 TO CONFIRM THE DIAGNOSIS OF OP (BY R IVES).| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|628|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|628|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|632|FEMALE?|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|632|FEMALE?|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|635|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|635|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|638|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritic changes in the phalanges of the left hand.Preservation was not very good and not all phalanges were present but some of the articular surfaces visible had the classic changes of smooth, polished eburnated bone and Grade 1 osteophytic lipping of the articular margins.The affected joint surfaces were the proximal, middle & distal interphalangeal joints.This latter joint had the more severe lipping of the articular margin.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|638|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|638|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|641|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"THE ARTICULATION OF L5-S1: BODY OF S1 EXHIBITS A MARKED CONCAVITY THE INFERIOR SURFACE OF L5 HOLLOWS ALONG THE POSTERIOR MARGIN. THE HOLLOWS ARE REPEATED ON THE INFERIOR SURFACES OF L1-5. THE ALA WINGS OF THE SACRUM - THE ANTERIOR BORDER OF THE ALA WINGS ARE BENT INWARD IN A MESIAL DIRECTION THIS IS REFLECTED BY A MARKED HOLLOW IN THE AURCULAR SURFACE OF THE PELVIS. IT APPEARS TO BE PERSISTENT PRESSURE OF THESE AREA RATHER THAN ACTUAL INJURY AS THE REMODELLING OF THE SHAPES ARE NEAT AND MUSTH HAVE OCCURED GRADULALLY??"| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|641|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|L CLAVICLE THE ACROMICLAVICULAR JOINT WAS REMODELLED THE JOINT HAD NARROWED AND AN EXTRA BONY RIDGE WAS PRESENT ON THE INFERIOR SURFACE. THE L FIRST RIB EXHIBITED EXTENSVE EXOSTOSIS ON THE HEAD. POSSIBLY A MUSCLE TEAR/RUPTURE OF THE PECTORALIS MUSCLE OR DELTOID MUSCLE?| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|641|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|641|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|646|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|T6-T11 HAD R-SIDED FUSION W. A CANDLEWAX APPERANCE. THOUGH THE DISC SPACES HAD NOT BEEN COMPROMISED AN ANTERIOR REDUCTION OF THE VB BODIES OF T8-10 WAS APPARENT AND MAY HAVE CAUSED KYPHOSIS OF THE SPINE. THE APOPHYSEAL JOINT WERE NOT AFFECTED. LIPPING STARTED IN C5 AND CONTINUES TO L2 (L3-5 BODY NOT PRESERVED). EBURNATION OF APOPHYSEAL JOINT PRESENT BETWEEN L5-S1.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|646|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|646|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|646|MALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|PEG SHAPED MAXILLARY LATERAL INCISORS| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1827||654|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"SMALL LESION WITH SMOOTH RAISED EDGES SITUATED ON THE RIGHT MAXILLARY LATERAL TO THE MAXILLARY SINUS MEASURING 3X4MM. POSSIBLE SMALL CYST??"| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1827||654|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|RIGHT CARPALS AFFECTED BY EBURNATION. POLISHED AREA ON THE JOINT BETWEEN THE SCAPHOID, TRAPEZOID AND THE TRAPEZIUM. EBURNATION ALSO PRESENT ON THE INFERIOR PORTION OF THE CMCJ OF THE MC1. A SIMILAR PATTERN WAS PRESENT ON THE LEFT THOUGH TO A LESSER DEGREE. (TRAPEZIUM AND TRAPEZOID ABSENT). THE MTPJ OF BOTH MT1'S ARE HAD EXTENSIVE LIPPING AND POLISHING ALONG THE SUPERIOR (DORSAL) BORDER OF THE JOINT. THE RIGHT MTPJ WAS MORE AFFECTED THAN THE LEFT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1827||654|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|FUSION OF POSTERIOR AND INFERIOR BORDER OF THE LEFT SACROILLIAC JOINT. THE REST OF THE JOINT APPEAR UNAFFECTED. THE R SACROILLIAC JOINT EXHIBIT LIPPING ALONG THE POSTERIOR BORDER.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1827||654|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1827||654|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1827||654|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|HEALED NASAL FRACTURE. ANTERIOR FLATTENING OF NASAL BONE WITH A SHIFT IN A RIGHT LATERAL DIRECTION.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|668|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Erosive Arthropathy|Other (Joints - Erosive Arthropathy_|On the medial border of the left mc3 are scooped out lytic lesions, whether this is an erosive arthropathy or formed in association with the OA is unclear.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|668|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Kyphosis|see pbr| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|668|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|The fibulae both exhibited pronounced irregular non-specific periositis on the distal ½ of the shaft. The appearance was irregular undulating striated bone overlain by sclerotic patches of smooth bone intergrated into the original cortex. healed.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|668|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Both the left and right MPJ of the MC3's were heavily lipped along the palmar and dorsal border . the joint surfaces are eburnated on the medial portion. The MPJ of the right MC1 was lipped but not eburnated. None of the other metacarples were affected. Bilateral OA of the anterior femoralpatellar joint surface. On the right femur the medial border was affected whilst on the left the eburnation is situated along the lateral border.The MTPJ of both MC1's exhibit marked osteophytic lipping with eburnation along the central ridge of the articulation. On the lateral border of both MTPJ are scooped out lesion similar to those observed in the left MC3 and may again either be part of an erosive arthropathy or possibly part of the osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity of the OA.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|668|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Erosive Arthropathy|Gout|DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS SEE OSTEOARTHRITIS. On the lateral border of both MTPJ are scooped out lesion similar to those observed in the left MC3 and may again either be part of an erosive arthropathy or possibly part of the osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity of the OA.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|668|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Avulsion injury|Both acromioclavicular joints exhibit eburnation on the central portion of the joint as well as extensive pitting and lipping. The right humerie are large with muscle attachment at the triceps. The distal portion of the right humerus have bony plaque like formations above the articulation of the lateral epicondyle and in the olecraneon fossa, possibly caused by rupture of the muscle around the capsule possibly an avulsion injury.This injury is likely to be in association of the poorly healed fracture on the central shaft of the right radius| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|668|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|668|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|668|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Poorly healed fracture on the central shaft of the R radius. The fracture was poorly reduced with an overlap of approximately 25mm causing the distal portion of the shaft to shift in a lateral direction and swelling around the fracture. OA has developed in the humeroradial joint with eburnation on both the humeral joint and the radial head . Two ribs exhibited well-healed fractures of the central shaft .Fracture of the right illium present on the posterior superior border extending from the posterior inferior iliac spine along the iliac crest to the auricular surface. The fracture had caused a posterior overlap by the iliac fossa. This was not visible from the anterior view other than along the iliac border, whilst the posterior view clearly showed an overlap.Two ribs exhibited well-healed fractures of the central shaft. The left upper ribs exhibited extensive ossification of the costal cartilage causing fusion of the 1st -3rd rib. The costal cartilage has a very compacted horn like texture with overlying bony bridgeson both the superior and inferior surface.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|675|MALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|675|MALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1842||681|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non specific periostisis on the medial and posterior surface at the distal end of the left tibia.The surface was porous and in part coarsely striated but appeared to be healed.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1842||681|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis of the wrist,carpals, metacarpals, hips and vertebrae.See PBR|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1842||681|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis affecting the thoracic vertebrae.Classic 'candlewax' fusion on the right side of the centrum of the thoracic vertebrae from Th10- Th12.There was intervertebral disc space integrity and no apopyhseal involvement.There was PM damage to the vertebrae and some that would have been fused.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1842||681|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1842||681|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1842||681|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|PM DAMAGE TO THE MANDIBLE AND MAXILLA BUT WOULD APPEAR TO BE EDENTULOUS.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|697|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|MARKED ASYMMETRY BETWEEN THE LEFT AND RIGHT HUMERUS. THE LEFT HUMERUS BEING 9MM SHORTER IN LENGTH.THE LEFT CLAVICLE INTERESTINGLY WAS 4MM LONGER THAN THE RIGHT.MEDIOLATERAL FLATTENING OF BOTH FEMORA.ENTHESOPATHY FOR RECTUS FEMORIS ON THE ANTERIOR SURFACE OF THE RIGHT PATELLA.BONE DENSITY OF THE ELEMENTS FEELS VERY LIGHT,?OSTEOPOROSIS/TAPHONOMIC.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|697|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|GRADE 1 OSTEOPYHTIC LIPPING OF THE CARPAL AND TARSAL BONES & GRADE 2 LIPPING OF THE DISTAL INTERPHALANGEAL JOINT OF THE RIGHT 1ST METATARSAL AND RIGHT DISTAL PHALANGE,DJD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|697|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Rotator cuff disease|An avulsion injury in the area of the rotator cuff.The injury affected the proximal head of the right humerus with involvement of the acromial process of the right scapula.The head of the humerus appeared to rotate towards the lateral aspect & subsequently a new joint facet had been created between the posterior surface of the acromial process & the superior aspect of the greater tubercle.The surface of the new facet was mainly porous & in part becoming smooth.Lipping around the lesser tubercle could have been an indication of involvement of subscapularis.This injury might be linked/associated to the healed fracture observed in the right ilium.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|697|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|697|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|697|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Well healed oblique fracture of the right ilium with slight medial malalignment of the superior fragment.There was no idication of an infection but there was marginal osteophytic lipping of the acetabulum/femoral head perhaps as a result of a change in load bearing from the fracture but indicationg that the joint was moving.The femur did not appear atrophied and so indicated that the fracture did not cause a hindrance to the normal movement of the leg.It was possible that the same traumatic event was responsible for the changes observed in the right pelvis and right arm.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1827||701|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Other (Congenital-Spinal Disorders)|DEFORMATION OF THE AXIAL VB, THE FORAMEN ON THE R SIDE APPEARS TO BE SKEWED IN A MEDIAL DIRECTION WITH A NARROWING OF THE R PEDICLE CAUSING A HOLLOW TO APPEAR WITH A VIEW TO INFERIOR SURFACE OF THE SUPERIOR ARTICULAR FACET.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1827||701|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|L6 WITH NO ALA LIKE WINGS| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1827||701|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Two of the 4 unsided sesamoids have extensive lipping and eburnation present on the articulating facet. One right proximal phalange has a small bony protuberance on the medial border of the distal phalangeal joint. Osteoarthritis was present in the cervical and lumbar spine and eburnation was also noted on two unsided sesamoids. Probably caused by restricted gait due to the bilateral ankylsosis of the sacroiliac joints, which again may be a secondary affect of the deformities caused by the rickets| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1827||701|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|COMPLETE BILATERAL ANKYLOSIS OF THE SACOILLIAC JOINT. WITH A MARKED BONY RIDGE ALONG THE SUPERIOR MARGIN.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1827||701|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|RESIDUAL RICKETS. Both femora were flattened in an anterior posterior direction with slight lateral bowing present. The tibiae and fibulae were likewise flattened in a medial lateral direction with very marked anterior crest. Bowing was slight in a medial direction. Osteomalacia and healed rickets was considered as possible explanation to the pathological conditions observed in skeleton 701. Though some features could be associated with osteomalacia it was thought that the distinct criteria as described by Ortner (2003:393) were lacking. Severe healed rickets was thought to be a more likely due to the distinct bowing of the lower limbs. The features associated with osteomalacia such as the angulated sacrum and the slight deformation of the pelvis may also occur in rickets, particularly by late onset or adolescent rickets.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1827||701|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Osteomalacia|DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS (SEE RICKETS): POSSIBLE OSTEOMALACIA, BASED ON 90 DEGREE ANGULATION OF THE SACRUM BETWEEN S2 AND S3. MARKED ANGULATION OF VERY FRIABLE RIBS .| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1827||701|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1827||701|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1827||701|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Miscellaneous|Spondylolysis (bilateral)|BILATERAL SPONDYLOLISIS OF L6. NEURAL ARCH MISSING.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|709|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|709|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|709|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Congenital|Miscellaneous|Spondylolysis (bilateral)|BILATERAL SPONDYLOLISIS OF L4, NEURAL ARCH PRESERVED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||713|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|THE RIGHT CLAVICLE ALTHOUGH DAMAGED PM AT THE ACROMIAL END APPEARED TO HAVE A VERY SHARP ANGLE WITH A BONY EXTENSION EMINATING FROM THE ARTICULAR SURFACE.IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO DISCERN IF THIS WAS DUE TO TRAUMA OR POSSIBLY ANOTHER PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||713|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non specific periostitis of the tibiae. The surfaces of the tibiae had PM damage but visible on the medial and lateral shaft surfaces were smooth raised areas of bone on the cortical surface.Indicating a perisoteal reaction that had healed.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||713|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|The right carpal,metacarpal and phalange bones had Grade 2 osteophytic lipping and the left had Grade 1 osteophytic lipping.The carpometacarpal joint of the right 1st metacarpal had an area of smooth,polished eburnated bone.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||713|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Seronegative Spondylarthropathy|Ankylosing spondylitis|Ankylosing Spondylitis.See PBR|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||713|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||713|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||713|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Pagets disease|Possible indication of changes in the skull attributable to Paget's disease.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||713|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Hyperostosis frontalis interna|Possible Hyperostosis Frontalis Interna.The endocranial surface of the frontal bone had the smooth and undulating quality of the bone as seen in the later stage of HFI. The changes were more pronounced on the right side of the frontal bone.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|716|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Circulatory|Osteochondroses|Other (Circulatory-Osteochondroses)|SMOOTH CIRCULAR DEFECT ON THE RIGHT SCAPHOID AND THE INFERIOR ARTICULAR SURFACE OF THE RIGHT TALUS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|716|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Possible healed non specific periosteal reaction of the ribs. Some rib fragments on the visceral surface had areas of smooth raised remodelled bony nodules. 5th Lumbar Vertebra-On the anterior centrum surface of the 5th lumbar vertebra there was an area of raised, irregular speculated bone. This change could have been associated either with the osteoarthritis or DISH. However, it could also be associated with an infection of the soft tissues.Pelves and Sacrum-On the dorsal surface of the pelves on the iliopubic eminence and around the greater sciatic notch there were areas of plague like 'grey' bone. Areas of this were also seen on the ala wings of the sacrum. These may be associated with the pathological changes of osteoarthritis or DISH, or may be associated with a soft tissue infection. The changes observed in the lumbar vertebra may also be connected to the same pathological symptoms.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|716|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Diffuse OA.Right humeroradial joint surfaces had Grade1 osteophytic lipping and an area of smooth, eburnated bone.The carpal bones of both hands had osteophytic lipping and OA changes, with the trapeziums being the most grossly affected. The left and right triquetral had very smooth eburnated joint surfaces for articulation with the pisiform. On the right side the pisiform was present and the corresponding joint surface was also smooth and eburnated. The left and right trapeziums were grossly affected with Grade 2 lipping and a smooth, highly polished eburnated surface for the articulation with the 1st metacarpal. Distal end of the left & right 1st metacarpal (articulation with the trapezium) had Grade 2 lipping and a smooth, eburnated surface across half the articulation surface (mediolaterally).Eburnated surface & Grade 2 lipping between the 2nd MC and proximal interphalangeal joint.The proximal head of the 2nd MC on the dorsal surface had pronounced lipping on the lateral aspect, distorting the shape of the head. Anterior joint surfaces of femora and patella had an area of smooth and polished eburnated bone. Left femur & tibia medial joint surfaces Grade 2 lipping & eburnation.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|716|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|Fusion on the right side of the centrum of 3 thoracic vertebrae(Th7-Th9)Classic 'candlewax' effect with intervertebral disc space integrity & no apophyseal joint involvement.The osteopyhtic lipping of the other vertebrae was also an indication of the potential for continued fusion.There was also enthesophytic development (changes associated with DISH) of the iliac crests for the external oblique muscle & greater trochanters of the femora for gluteus minimus.The classic 'candle wax' effect was present in the other vertebrae and may have an indication of continuing bone formation which could ultimately have led to more fusion within the vertebrae.Possibly associated with the pathological changes seen in DISH there was fusion on Th7 of the left rib at the costovertebral joint. The fusion at this juncture produced a large smooth area of bone. There did not appear to be any indication of trauma or infection and it was only this one rib and vertebra that had been affected.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|716|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|Partial ankylosis of the right sacroiliac joint at the inferior aspect.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|716|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|716|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1820||719|UNSEXED CHILD|UNCLASSIFIED SUB-ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1820||719|UNSEXED CHILD|UNCLASSIFIED SUB-ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||722|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|FUSION OF THE RIGHT FIRST RIB WITH THE MANUBRIUM.ENTHESOPATHY ON THE L & R GREATER TROCHANTER FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF GLUTEUS MINIMUS.SMALL SMOOTH ROUNDED DEPRESSION ON THE ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE OF THE OCCIPITAL BONE.NO INDICATION OF TRAUMA, POROSITY OR INFECTION.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||722|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Sinusitis of the left and right maxillary sinus with areas of new disorganised bone lying on the surface.Geneal increaese in porosity of the left & right maxilla processes that was possibly associated with the severe tooth loss & resorption of the maxillae & mandible.An area of porosity that was particularly noticeable was superior to the right 3rd maxillary molar which did not have an abscess & possibly this was a continuation of the inflammatory response of the abscess. The area directly around the left mandibular foreman also had porosity.What was also noticeable about the mandible was that the head of the left ramus appeared markedly reduced in size to the right and associated with this was a depression of the mandibular fossa & marked calculus on teeth ? individual had a stroke.Increase of porosity on the left and right fragments of the Greater Wing of the sphenoid, ?an inflammatory response.No other visible changes of the skull| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||722|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis of the left and right feet.Grade 1 osteophytic lipping of the tarsal bones & grade 2 lipping of both 1st metatarsal heads, with porosity & eburnation on the plantar surface.The proximal phalanges also had lipping, porosity & eburnation.Grade 1 osteophytic lipping of the left and right carpal bones,DJD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||722|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1822||722|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1807||728|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|SEVERE PM DAMAGE BUT THE LEFT FIRST METATARSAL APPEARED TO HAVE A CIRCULAR DEFECT ON THE MEDIAL PERIARTICULAR SURFACE AT THE PROXIMAL HEAD OF THE METATARSAL.THE ARTICULAR MARGINS AT THE PROAXIMAL AND DISTAL END ALSO HAD GRADE 1 OSTEOPYHTIC LIPPING.DJD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1807||728|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Joints|Erosive Arthropathy|Gout|DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS.The circular defect on the medial periarticular surface of the proximal head of the left first metatarsal could have been an indication of gout from its location in the first metatarsal and being unilateral. The PM damage, however, hindered a more conclusive diagnosis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1807||728|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1807||728|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|730|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:-1.LEFT ULNA ATTACHMENT FOR TRICEPS.2.ILIAC CREST LEFT PELVIS ATTACHMENT FOR EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL OBLIQUE MUSCLE AND THE ILIOFEMORAL LIGAMENT ATTACHMENT ON THE ANTERIOR INFERIOR ILIAC SPINE.3.LEFT FEMUR THE LESSER TROCHANTER ATTACHMENT FOR PSOAS MAJOR AND ILIACUS.4.ANTERIOR SURFACE OF RIGHT PATELLA FOR RECTUS FEMORIS.5.BOTH CALCANEA FOR THE TENDO CALCANEUS(ACHILLES TENDON)."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|730|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non specific periostitis on the medial surface of both tibiae at the mid to distal end of the shaft surface.There was a combination of coarse striations, porosity and areas of remodelled bone, producing an irregular surface.Indicating possibly periods of active infection and healing.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|730|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|The left carpals all had Grade 1 osteophytic lipping and on the articular surface for the trapezium on the scaphoid there was a small circular area of smooth, polished eburnated bone.The carpometacarpal joint of the first left metacarpal had Grade 1 osteophytic lipping.The left and right tarsal bones also had Grade 1 osteophytic lipping.Indicating there were general degenerative changes in the joints as well as osteoarthritis of the carpal joints.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|730|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|730|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|734|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"NODULAR BONY EXOSTOSIS ON THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE VERTEBRAL BODY OF L2-3 . L2 THE NODULE IS "RICEGRAIN" SHAPED MEASURING 8.5X5MM. ON THE L3 THE NODULE IS A LARGER U-SHAPE 10X11MM, APPERING TO BE HEALED AS SMOOTH AND ROUNDED IN APPERANCE."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|734|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE HEAD OF THE L RADIUS ON THE MEDIAL POSTERIOR PORTION.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|734|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|734|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|734|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture| HEALED BUT BADLY REDUCED FRACTURE ON OF THE L CLAVICLE. FRACTURE SITUATED ON ACROMIOCLAVICULAR 30MM FROM JOINT. HEALING HAD CAUSED SHORTNING WITH THE FRACTURED PORTION PUSHED IN AN INFERIOR DIRECTION AND EXHIBITED IRREGULAR EDGES AND PROTRUDING BONY EXOSTOSIS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|739|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Scoliosis|Slight scoliosis in the thoracic vertebrae with a reduction in the vertebral body height of Th8 on the right side by 3mm when compared to the left side.There was also grade 1 osteophytic lipping of the vertebral body between Th8 and Th9 and schmorls nodes were also present on the inferior and superior vertebral bodies from Th8 to Th12, which could indicate a difference in the stresses placed on the vertebrae.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|739|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|739|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1793||744|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|SMALL BONY EXOSTOSIS IMMIDIATELY RIGHT OF THE INCISIVE FOSSA MEASURING 9X5MM . POSSIBLY CAUSED BY SOFT TISSUE INJURY?| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1793||744|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1793||744|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|750|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|POSSIBLE EARLY STAGE OF DISH WITH LIPPING ON THE RIGHT SIDE AND "CANDLEWAX" FUSION OF 2 TH VERTEBRAE (SEE VERT PATH) ALSO FEATHERING PRESENT ALONG ILLIAC CREST.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|750|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|750|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|754|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|SMALL PATCH OR POROUS ACTIVE WOVEN BONE BELOW THE GREATER TROCHANTAR OF THE R FEMUR MEASUING 10X10MM. THE REACTION WAS SITUATED ON THE SURFACE OF THE CORTEX AND HAD NOT REACTED WITH THIS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|754|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Infectious|Specific Infection|Tuberculosis (M.tuberculosis/bovis)|POSSIBLE TB IN VERTEBRAL BODY OF JOINT L2-3. THE VERTEBRAE WERE IN THIS REGION ARE BADLY PRESERVED AND IT WAS UNCLEAR IF THE DAMAGES WERE PARTIAL PATOLOGICAL OR ENTIRELY POSTMORTEM? THE SURFACES OF L2-3 WERE UNDULATING WITH SCOOPED OUT LESIONS. THE MAIN AREA AFFECTED WERE THE CENTRAL AND ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE VB BODIES, BUT THE WHOLE SURFACE HAD BEEN DESTROYED BY POROUS LESIONS. THE ADJACENT VB WERE NOT AFFECTED. AND THERE WAS NO APPARENT BUILD UP OF BONE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|754|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|754|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|754|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Congenital|Miscellaneous|Spondylolysis (bilateral)|BILATERAL SPONDYLOLISIS OF L5, SPINOUS PROCESS PARTLY PRESERVED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|759|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"SMALL FLATTENED NODULE OF BONE ON THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF BODY OF THE 3RD LUMBAR VB MEASURING 9X9MM."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|759|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|FUSION ALONG SUPERIOR BORDER OF THE R SACROILLIAC CREST. THE ACTUAL JOINT SURFACE DID NOT APPEAR AFFECTED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|759|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|759|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|764|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Osteomalacia|Skeleton very fragmented and extraordinarily light. Right scapula exhibited fine stress line fractures immediately below the infraglenoid tubercle extending inward approx 20mm.two fractures extended 16mm inward on the neck of the acromion with a further fracture immediately below the area of the acromion visible on the posterior portion. On the L side only the lower part of the acromoin was preserved but clearly demonstrated an unhealed fracture. All fractures had attempts of remodelling with swelling around the fracture of very fine porous bone. A total of 18 rib fragments had hairline fractures in the same pattern as the scapulae with swelling and porosity. The 4 of the fractures had healed though very poorly with the fracture line still clearly visible. The main area of fracture was just below the head and on the angle of the rib though some of the better healed fractures were towards the central shaft. No hairline fractures were visible on any of the long bones. The vertebrae were extremely poorly preserved but one fragment of a thoracic body suggests a reduction of vertebral body height.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|764|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|764|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||775|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||775|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|780|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Scoliosis|Scoliosis see PBR.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|780|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritic changes observed in the transerse processes of the thoracic vertebare with porosity and areas of eburnation. See PBR|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|780|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|780|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|782|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|THE FIRST SACRAL BODY APPEARED TO SLOPE TOWARDS THE POSTERIOR ASPECT BUT THIS MAY BE ASSOCIATED WITH .|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|782|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|782|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|782|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Miscellaneous|Spondylolysis (unilateral L)|Spondylolysis of the 4th lumbar vertebra, unilateral on the left side.The changes The first sacral body sloped towards the posterior aspect but this could perhaps be associated with the presence of spondylolysis.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|782|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Multiple fractures see PBR.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|786|UNSEXED CHILD|UNCLASSIFIED SUB-ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|786|UNSEXED CHILD|UNCLASSIFIED SUB-ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|788|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|788|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|790|FEMALE?|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|ACTIVE POROUS PERIOSTEAL BONEGROWTH ON THE VISCERAL SURFACE OF THREE L RIBS. SITUATED IMMIDIATELY BELOW THE HEAD. THE REACTION WAS POROUS WOVEN BONE AND APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN ACTIVE AT THE TIME OF DEATH.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|790|FEMALE?|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Joints|Erosive Arthropathy|Gout|UNILATERAL ACTIVE SCOOPED OUT LESION ON THE LATERAL PORTION OF THE MTPJ OF THE R MT. HAD A GOUT APPERANCE BUT THIS WAS A YOUNG FEMALE WHICH DOES NOT MATCH THE AETIOLOGY OF THE DISEASE. A FURTHER LESION WAS PRESENT ON THE R TRAPEZIUM THOUGH THIS IS ROUDED AND SMOOTH AND MAY SIMPLY BE A CORTICAL DEFECT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|790|FEMALE?|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|790|FEMALE?|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1807||792|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"SPORADIC SCATTERED FINE PITTING ON THE INFERIOR PORTION OF THE GREATER WINGS OF THE SPHENOID."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1807||792|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|SMALL AREA OF RISED STRIAE ON THE CENTRAL SHAFT OF THE LATERAL BORDER OF THE L TIBIA. THE APPERANCE IS SMOOTH LONGITUDENAL STRIAE INTRIGRATED INTO THE CORTICAL BONE. THE CHANGES APPEARED NON-ACTIVE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1807||792|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION ON THE INTERMIDIATE AND DISTAL PHJ OF BOTH HANDS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1807||792|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1807||792|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||802|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|SLIGHT WEDGING OF THE LUMBAR VERTEBRAE, POSSIBLY INDICATING SLIGHT SCOLIOSIS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||802|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|FLATTENING AND GRADE 1 OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING OF THE TUBEROSITY OF THE RIGHT NAVICULAR."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||802|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||802|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|805|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Other (Infectious - Non-specific infection)|SINIUSITIS OF THE SPHENOIDAL AIR SINUS. INFECTION HAS MANIFESTED ITSELF AS FINE POROSITY ON THE INTERNAL WALL OF THE SINUS APPEARING TO BE WITHIN THE ACTUAL BONE. IN SMALL PATCHES THE POROSITY IS RAISED LYING ON THE ACTUAL SURFACE OF THE ORIGINAL BONE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|805|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|"LIPPING PRESENT ON THE RIGHT TRIQUETRAL AND ON THE MEDIAL BORDER OF THE 1ST MPJ AS WELL AS LEFT CAPITATE."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|805|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Surgical Intervention|Other (Trauma - Surgical Intervention)|CALVARIUM CUT PERFORMED ON SKULL WITH FINE CUTMARKS. NO CLEARLY VISIBLE BREAKING POINT| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|805|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|FUSION OF VERTEBRAE ~T3-L4. THE VERTEBRAE WERE VERY DAMAGED AND IT WAS NOT ENTIRELY CLEAR HOW FAR THE FUSION EXTENDS THUOGH IT HAD DEFFINATELY AFFECTED THE LUMBER REGION. THE DISC SPACE WAS PRESERVED. THE FACETS SHOWED SLIGHT LIPPING. iLLIAC CREST WAS FEATHERED. THE RIBS EXHBITITED EXTENSIVE COSTAL CARTILAGE TO THE POINT WHERE BILATERAL ANKYLOSING OF THE RIBS HAS TAKEN PLACE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|805|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|BILATERAL ANKYLOSIS OF THE SACROILLIAC JOINTS ALONG THE SUPERIOR BORDER PROB A REACTION TO DISH.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|805|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|805|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|810|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|810|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|812|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|DISTAL POSTERIOR L FEMUR AFFECTED SMALL 10X20MM AREA OF RAISED STRIATED BONE OVERLYING THE ORIGINAL CORTEX 15MM ABOVE THE LATERAL CONDYLE. CENTRAL MEDAIL PORTION OF R TIBIAL SHAFT EXHIBIT SIMILAR CHARACTERISTICS OF RAISED STRIATED BONE OVERLYING THE CORTEX RUNNING ALONG THE MEDIAL BORDER OF THE SHAFT.THE APPEARNCE OF BOTH IS SMOOTH AND NON ACTIVE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|812|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|812|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|1 (Capillary like impressions on the bone)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|819|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|MARKED GROOVE PRESENT ALONG THE SUPERIOR BORDER OF THE ACETABULIE IN THE AREA OF THE GREAT SAPHENOUS.? MARKED ENTHSOPATHIES PRESENT ALONG THE ISCHIAL TUBEROSITY AND THE ILIAC CREST. SMOOTH ENTHESOPATHIES ON THE GREATER TROCHANTAR OF THE LEFT FEMUR IN AREA OF GLUTUS MINIMUS| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|819|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Erosive Arthropathy|Other (Joints - Erosive Arthropathy_|Two left intermediated phalanges had scalloped articulations with the distal phalanges. The central portion of the articulation was concave forming a half moon shaped articulation on both phalanges. None of the other phalanges were affected.Both feet had marked osteophytic lipping on the tarsals. The tubercles of the naviculars were greatly enlarged and smooth. Marked lipping is also present on the left 2nd cuneiform with marked porosity on the articulation with the navicular.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|819|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|The L temporalmandibular joint exhibited DJD and though no eburnation was present the temporal joint has significantly remodelled forming an uneven pitted and lipped surface. LIPPING likewise present on MCPJ OF R MC1| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|819|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|The right tibia had pitted porous bone along the proximal medial and lateral portion of the shaft around the tibial tuberosity the extracortical bone overlay the cortical surface and extended approx 1/3 down the shaft. In areas it was pitted and woven, mainly on the lateral side whilst the medial portion irregular on the proximal area and organised striae below the area of the tibial tuberosity. Non-specific periositis was also present on the proximal portion of the left tibia but only immediately by the medial portion of the tibial tuberosity, where a small patch of disorganised smooth bone overlies the original cortex. It appears that there was a mixture of active and healed periosteal bone formation on the tibiae. The clavicles appear to be slightly swollen with fine pitting along the inferior surface of the shafts. The acromioclavicular articulation of the left clavicle has a marked indentation with smooth edges which apperars to be a defect rather than an actual injury as the joint surface of the scapula is slightly lipped and pitted but otherwise unaffected.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|819|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|819|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|824|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|824|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|829|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 7-11 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|829|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 7-11 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|836|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Other (Trauma - Accidental)|Area of destruction on the superior/posterior aspect of the first sacral body. A coarse irregular surface in a depression at this point of the vertebral body & the annulus fibrosis had been desroyed at his point.Producing a scooped out possibly lytic area with sharp irregular margins.This could be a herniated disc or ? attributed to the destructive process in TB.The other sacral bodies did not appear affected. No other vertebrae were present to see if there were any other vertebral manisfestations of TB.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|836|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Specific Infection|Tuberculosis/brucellosis|DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS.As described under 'other trauma accidental' as a possible herniated disc the changes observed on the superior posterior aspect of the first sacral body could possibly be attributed to tuberculosis as the changes appeared to have a destructive process.A coarse irregular surface and a depression of the superior/posterior aspect of the first sacral body & the annulus fibrosis.The area affected was a scooped area with sharp irregular margins that could be attributed to the lytic lesions identified in the tuberculous process.A marked contrast in this particular instance was that the pathological change occurred at the posterior aspect of the vertebral body and not the anterior which is generally the more common are affetced by vertebral tuberculosis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|836|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|836|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|841|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION OF A 8X7=8MM TRIANGLE ALONG THE LATERAL SUPERIOR PORTION OF THE R FEMUR. EBURNATION FURTHER PRESENT BILATERALLY ON THE MTPJ OF THE MT1'S ON PLANTAR PORTION OF THE JOINT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|841|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|841|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|841|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Hyperostosis frontalis interna|STAGE 1 HFI. SMALL NODULE ON THE L ENDOCRANIAL PORTION OF THE FRONTAL BONE. BY GRROVE OF SUPERIOR SAGITTAL SINUS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|856|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|LIPPING AND EBURATION PRESENT OF THE MTPJ OF THE R MT1. THE PHALANGE HAD SHIFTED IN A MESIAL DIRECTION CAUSING THE PHALANX TO POINT IN A MESIAL DIRECTION| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|856|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|RESIDUAL RICKETS: ANTERIOR BOWING PRESENT IN BOTH FEMURS. THE FIBULAE APPEARED MORE ARCHED THAN THE NORM BUT NO SIGN OF BOWING IN THE TIBIA.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|856|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|856|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|856|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Dental|SERIOUS UNDERBITE WITH WEAR ON THE ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE UPPER CENTRAL INCISORS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|856|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|WELL HEALED FRACTURE OF CENTRAL SHAFT OF RIB. SWELLING PRESENT AROUND THE INJURY BUT SURFACE SMOOTH.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|867|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|POSSIBLE HEALED NON SPECIFIC PERIOSTITIS.THE LEFT TEMPORALIS ON THE ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE HAD AN AREA OF SMALL RAISED SMOOTH NODULAR BONE.THE RIGHT SIDE WAS DAMAGED BUT THERE DID APPEAR TO BE SOME EVIDENCE OF SIMILAR CHANGES BEING PRESENT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|867|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|867|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|885|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Infectious|Other Infection|Other (Infectious - Miscellaneous)|MENINGEAL REACTION? - THE FRONTAL AND PARIETAL BONES WERE AFFECTED BY THIN SHEETING OF NEW POROUS BONE COVERING THE WHOLE OF THE FRONTAL AREA AND PATCHES OF THE ANTERIOR PORTIONS OF THE PARIETALS. THE EDGES OF THE SHEETED BONE IS IRREGULAR AND THE POROSITY IS PARTICULAR APPARENT ALONG THE BORDERS BY THE ORBITAL AREA AND ON THE PARIETAL ALONG THE FRONTAL SUTURE LINE. THE REACTION HAS NOT AFFECTED THE ORIGINAL ENDOCRANIAL SURFACE BUT LIES AS A SHEET OVER IT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|885|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|885|FEMALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|888|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Active fine woven porotic bone on the periosteum of the distal posterior L ulna.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|888|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|Eburnation present on the L trapezium articulation with the scaphoid. Eburnation present on the neural arch on the point of non-union and the superior portion of the spinous process.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|888|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|888|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|888|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Miscellaneous|Spondylolysis (bilateral)|Spondylolisis of L4 with the neural arch present, exhibited extensive eburnation which extends to the lower lumbar vertebrae.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|888|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Five ribs exhibted healed rib fratures. All have some swelling around the fracture. One poorly aligned. All fractures are posterior close to the ribs heads.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|892|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|THE INTERNAL PORTION OF 2 RIGHT & 1 LEFT RIB EXHIBITED A COMBINATION OF HEALED AND ACTIVE CHEST INFECTION. EVIDENCE OF HEALING WAS MANIFESTED AS SMOOTH RASIED BONE RUNNING ALONG THE CENTRAL PORTION OF THE VISCERAL SURFACE OF THE RIB. THE ACTIVE INFECTION WAS VERY FINE WOVEN BONE IN PATCHES ALONG THE SUPERIOR INTERNAL PORTION OF THE SHAFT. FINE RIDGES LIKE VASCULAR IMPRESSIONS RUNNING IN A TRANSVERSE DIRECTION OF THE SHAFT TOWARDS THE STERNAL END.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|892|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis|POSSIBLE OSTEOPOROSIS BASED ON THE EXTREME LIGHTNESS OF THE BONES. RIBS EXHIBITED THIN ALMOST HOLLOWING INFERIOR BORDERS. X-RAYS MUST BE TAKEN TO CONFIRM THIS AS THERE IS NO APPARENT COLLAPE OF THE VERTEBRAE. EXTENSIVE POROSITY PRESENT ON THE INFERIOR ASPECT ON THE GREATER WINGS OF THE SPHENOID.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|892|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|892|FEMALE?|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|898|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|"PRONOUNCED MUSCLE ATTACHMENT ALONG R SOLEAL LINE."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|898|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|CONGENITAL FUSION OF THE INTERMIDIATE AND PROXIMAL PHLANGE OF THE R FOOT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|898|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE CMCJ OF THE 1ST MC ON THE PALMAR BORDER, WITH LIPPING PRESENT EBURNATION ALSO PRESENT ON THE R TRAPEZIUM ARTICULATION WITH THE MC1 WITH THE WHOLE SURFACE AFFECTED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|898|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|BILATERAL ANKYLOSIS OF THE SUPERIOR BORDERS OF THE SACROILLIAC JOINTS. THE ARTICULATIONS REMAINED INTACT THOUGH SMOOTH COMPLETE FUSION ALONG THE SUPERIOR ASPECT HAD TAKEN PLACE. BOTH ACETABULI WERE AFFECTED, THOUGH THE L TO A GREATER EXTENT. WITH EXTENSIVE LIPPING ALONG THE BORDERS IN THE AREA OF THE ACTABULAR LABRUM/CAPSULE. THE FEMORAL HEADS WERE NOT SERIOUSLY AFFTECTED BUT SOME OSTEOPHYTES PRESENT ON THE L GREATER TROCHATAR.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|898|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|BONY DOWNWARD POINTING SPICULE PROTRUDING FROM THE L TIBIA IN THE AREA OF THE SOLEAL LINE 70MM BELOW THE PROXIMAL ARTICULATION. PROB. FORMED DUE TO MUSCLE TEAR IN THE AREA.THE L FOOT WAS AFFECTED W EXTENSIVE LIPPING ON THE DORSAL LATERAL ASPECT OF THE TALAR AND NAVICULAR ARTIC. THE ANTERIOR ARTICULATION BETWEEN THE TALUS AND THE CALCANEUM WAS SIGNIFICANTLY REMODELLED WITH BONY SPICULES PROTRUDING FROM THE ANTERIOR ARTIC W THE TALUS. THESE CHANGES MAY BE HAVE BEEN RELATED TO THE SOFT TISSUE TRAUMA ON THE TIB.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|898|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|898|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|910|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|SEVERE OA OF THE FACETS ON THE LUMBAR VERTEBRAE. EBURNATION WITH DEEP GROOVING COVERING THE ENTIRE FACETS OF L3-S1| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|910|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|RESIDUAL RICKETS. ADVANCED ANTERIOR BOWING OF BOTH FEMORA ON THE PROXIMAL 1/3 OF THE SHAFTS. THE LINIEA ASPERA WAS PROTRUDING AS A MARKED RIDGE WITH THE CROSS SECTION OF THE SHAFT BEING FLATTENED OVAL IN SHAPE. THE TIBIAE WERE ABSENT BUT BOTH FIBULAE PRESENT, EXHIBITED MARKED ANTERIOR POSTERIOR FLATTENING WITH CONCAVE BOWING OF THE CENTRAL SHAFT TO LATERAL.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|910|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|910|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|910|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|TWO WELL HEALED FRACTURES AND ONE NON-UNION FRACTURE PRESENT ON THE 4 RIBS PRESERVED. THE HEALED FRATURES WERE SITUATED TOWARD THE HEAD OF THE SHAFT BY THE ANGLE ON TWO LEFT RIBS. THERE WAS SMOOTH SWELLING AROUND THE FRACTURE BUT NO APPARENT OVERLAP. THE NON-UNION FRACTURE WAS ON A "FALSE" RIB ALSO L.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|918|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|TARSAL BLOCK. BILATERAL CALCANEONAVICULAR COALITION. FUSED ON R FOOT. ON L FOOT EXTESIVE LATERAL LIPPING.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|918|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|OF THE R TALOCRUAL JOINT. SPACE BETWEEN THE JOINT VISIBLE AND IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THE ANKYLOSIS ONLY TOOK PLACE ALONG THE BORDER OF THE JOINT. FURTHER FUSION PRESENT BETWEEN THE NAVICULAR AND THE DISTAL CACANEUS OF THE R FOOT. ON THE LESFT FOOT THE SAME AREA IS DISPLAYED AS A TARSAL COALITION (SEE OTHER CONGENITAL)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|918|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|POSSIBLE RESIDUAL RICKETS. THE FEMURS EXHIBIT MARKED ANTERIOR BOWING ON THE UPPER 3RD OF THE SHAFT. THE LINEA ASPERA WAS VERY PRONPOUNCED. THE TIBIAE APPEARED BOWED IN A MEDIAL DIRECTION BUT NOT TO A DEGREE THAT MATCHED THE EXTENT OF BOWING ON THE TIBIAE.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|918|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|918|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|918|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Miscellaneous|Hyperostosis frontalis interna|IRREGULAR BULGES OF BONE ON EITHER SIDE OF THE GROOVE FOR THE SUPERIOR SAGITTAL SINUS. STAGE 3.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|926|MALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Trauma|Accidental|Other (Trauma - Accidental)|Possible trauma to the left scapula at the posterior aspect of the glenoid cavity.There appears at this point to be an indentation of the cavity but it does not appear as though there has been a fracture.There are no pathological changes to the joint or the articular margins and there is no change seen in the humerus. The trauma may possibly have occured earlier in life or been muscular.There is a roughned quality to the texture of the bone around the glenoid cavity on the dorsal surface.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|926|MALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|926|MALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|948|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Other (Trauma - Accidental)|(Cont from healed fracture) The left capitate exhibited a fine hairline fracture running from below the articulating head along the articulation with the trapezoid, along the base and across the articulation with the hamate. Well-healed Left 2nd metatarsal fracture on proximal portion of the shaft with Swelling present around the fracture but no overlapping apparent.All fractures were well healed and could possible have occurred from one incident. The osteoarthritis present in the right carpals are likely to be secondary to the fractures.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|948|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|THE DISTAL RADIAL ARTICULATION WITH THE LUNATE EXHIBITED NEW POROUS FINELY PITTED BONE GROWTH. PROBABLY DUE TO HAEMORRHAGING?|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|948|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|The right distal portion of the radius articulation with the scaphoid is heavily eburnated as well as the articulation between the scaphoid and the capitate. the remaining carpals exhibit osteophytic lippping but are not eburnated. Right 1st metatarsal the distal articulation has marked lipping on the plantar surface with some pitting and bone remodelling on the joint surface but no eburnation. Eburnation present on one unsided sesamoid. MARKED ENHSOPATHIES PRESENT ON THE TIBIAL TUBEROSITIES|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|948|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|Ankylosis of the right sacroiliac joint along the superior border. The fusion is well established with a smooth overgrow of bone along the border.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|948|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|Myositis ossificans. Small flattened bony protuberance on the central portion pf the medial condyle of the right femur. Protruding downward in a posterior direction measuring 13x11 mm.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|948|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|948|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|948|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Complete skull but no mandible present. Fracture on the inferior portion of the nasal bones. Transverse fracture running across the nasal suture mainly confined to the left nasal area. The fracture was well healed with a slight inward depression creating a steeper angel of the inferior nasal portion.Fracture of R humoral head with no shortening. The head fracture along the neckline and had been pushed slightly in a posterior direction. Remodelling had taken place mainly along the inferior border of the head. On the anterior portion ragged bone growth was present below the lesser tubercle on the posterior portion the remodelling was more marked with smooth sclerotic bone covering the area below the head. The proximal shaft appears slightly thickened on the fractured humerus.The right MC1 was shortened by almost 5mm due to a fracture appearing the have occurred on the central portion of the shaft. This was caused thickening of the shaft in particular the proximal portion and arching in a dorsal direction. The fracture was very well healed.Two ribs exhibited well-healed fractures one on the central shaft and one just below the head (cont in trauma other)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|951|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Kyphoscoliosis|Possible indication of kyphoscoliosis in association with the gross congenital abnormalities observed and recorded on the left side involving the scapula, clavicle and upper ribs in the congenital (other) section. PM damage to the vertebare hindered a more conclusive diagnosis but there was wedging observed in the lumbar vertebrae, the changes to the thoracic spinous processes and the gross changes observed in the other skeletal elements would have affected the normal anatomical position and alignment of the vertebral column.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|951|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|A severe congenital abnormality involving the upper left ribs,left scapula and clavicle.It was hard to distinguish the normal anatomical features as they had become so severely compressed and fused.The right scapula was fragmented PM but did not appear to have the gross changes observed in the left side.However, the right humerus did seem to have a 'curved' appearance and not a normal alignment. The change did not appear to be traumatic but may have been associated and/or response to the processes observed on the left side.The vertebrae present were also affected & the Thoracic spinous processes contorted & a gross enlargemnet of the rib facet on Th12 on the right side.The ribs were very thin,flattened & distorted.With one rib manifesting the appearnace of being bifurcate.Linked to the changes observed in the vertebrae it was possible that kyphoscoliosis would have been present. Identified in the involvement of the ribs & the indication that the lumbar vertebrae were slightly wedged but there was PM damage making it harder to be more conclusive.Unfortunately the PM damage made the pathological assessment much more difficult.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|951|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|951|MALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|957|FEMALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|OA W. EBURNATION PRESENT ON THE R SCAPHOID ARTICULATION W THE TRAPEZOID WHICH ALSO HAD EBURNATION AND SOME MARGINAL LIPPING.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|957|FEMALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|RESIDUAL RICKETS: ANTERIOR BOWING OF FEMURS WITH FLATTENING IN AN ANTERIOR POSTERIOR VIEW. BOWING MOST PORMINENT ON UPPER 1/2 OF SHAFT. THE TIBIA EXHIBITED MARKED BOWING IN A MEDIAL DIRECTION AND FLATTENING IN A MEDIAL-LATERAL VIEW. THE SHAFT OF BOTH FIBULAE WERE COMPLETLY FLATTENED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|957|FEMALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|957|FEMALE?|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|970|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Areas of porosity on the ectocranial surface of the left and right parietals superior to the lamdoid sutures.On the endocranial surface of the ocipital bone on the superior cerebellar fossa the bone had an area of microporosity localised to this area.On the posterior surface mid shaft of both femora there was an area of increased microporosity.Possibly indications of ?inflammation, or porotic hyperostosis/metabolic disorder ?scurvy.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|970|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|970|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|970|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Porotic hyperostosis|DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS.The porosity observed on the left and right parietals superior to the lambdoid sutures could also have been an indication of porotic hyperostosis.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|972|UNSEXED CHILD|UNCLASSIFIED SUB-ADULT|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Small area of microporosity on the right mastoid notch following the line of the digastric muscle.Possibly an indication of inflammation due to a minor trauma.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|972|UNSEXED CHILD|UNCLASSIFIED SUB-ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|972|UNSEXED CHILD|UNCLASSIFIED SUB-ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||976|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||976|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||976|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Miscellaneous|Pagets disease|EXTENSIVE THICKENING OF FRONTAL BONE OF THE SKULL WITH THE INNERTABLE UNDULATING AND NODULAR IN APPERANCE. THE INNER TABLE IS MOST EXTENSEVELY THICKENED AND MEASURES 8MM AT THE THICKEST MEASUREABLE POINT. THE OUTER TABLE OF TEH FRONTAL BONE IS ~7.3MM THICK. THE DIPLOE EXHIBIT BALL SHAPED MASSES OF SCLEROTIC PAGET BONE. THE APPERANCE IS SPONGY AND IRREGULAR. THE FEMURS AND TIBIA DO NOT APPEAR TO EXHIBIT ANY THINCKENING. IN CROSS SECTION OF THE R FEMUR THE CORTEX APPEARS POROUS AND EXPOSED TO OSTEOCLASTIC ACTIVITY. IT APPEARED THAT THE SKULL IS THE MAIN AFFECTED AREA WITH THE LONG BONES AT AN EARLIER STAGE. IT SHOULD FURTHER BE NOTED THAT THE MAXILLARY REGION OF THE SKULL WAS UNAFFECTED. ONLY THE MENTAL EMINENECE OF THE MANDIBLE WAS PRESERVED AND DID NOT APPEAR THICKENED AND DENSE?. THE FEW VB PRESERVED ALSO APPEAR UNAFFECTED. MARKED ENTHOSOPATHIES ON POST/PLANTAR CALCANII.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|||976|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|WELL HEALED FRACTURE IMMIDIATELY ABOVE THE DISTAL JOINT OF THE R FIBULA. A 14MM PROTRUDING OSTEOPHYTE PRESENT ON THE DISTAL ANTERIOR BORDER OF THE FIBULA. THE JOINT ITSELF DES NOT APPEAR AFFECTED. THE FRACTURE WAS APPARENT ON THE DISTAL POSTERIOR PORTION A WELL REMODELLED FISSURE SLOPED DOWNWARD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1806||980|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:-.1.LEFT FEMUR GREAT TROCHANTER FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF GLUTEUS MINIMUS.2.BOTH CALCANEA FOR THE TENDO CALCANEAL LIGAMENT(ACHILLES TENDON).3.SLIGHT FEATHERING OF THE ILIAC CREST FOR THE EXTERNAL OBLIQUE AND INGUINAL LIGAMENT, DAMAGED PM.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1806||980|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|GRADE 1 OSTEPHYTIC LIPPING OF THE LEFT AND RIGHT TARSAL BONES,DJD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1806||980|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non specific periosteal reaction of the left femur and tibia. Left femur on the anterior surface mid shaft, coarse fine grey striations were observed.Left tibia on the medial and lateral surface mid shaft striated and some porosity but a remodelled appearance indicating not active but healed.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1806||980|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|Damage to the proximal end of the right fibula but bony exostosis present on the medial margin. Possible soft tissue trauma myostisis ossificans.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1806||980|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1806||980|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1781||990|FEMALE?|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1781||990|FEMALE?|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|994|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|BOTH L & R RIBS EXHIBITED MARKED ANGULATION AT THE ANGLE CAUSING DEFORMATION OF THE HEADS. THIS COULD POSSIBLY CAUSE THE RIB CAGE TO HAVE AN ALOMOST BOX-LIKE SHAPE. IT IS UNCLEAR WHETHER THIS WAS RELATED TO THE DISH LIKE CHANGES IN THE VERTEBRAE OR IT WAS A CONGENITAL MALFORMATION?| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|994|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|NON-SPECIFIC PERIOSTEAL RECTION ON THE ATERIOR DISTAL PORTION OF THE L RADIUS. THE APPERANCE WAS THAT OF FINE POROSITY AND PITTING OVERLYING THE ORIGINAL CORTEX. THE REACTIONS APPEARED TO HAVE BEEN ACTIVE AT THE TIME OF DEATH. FURTHER PERIOSTEAL REACTION WAS PRESENT ON THE MARGIN OF THE PROXIMAL L FIBULA WITH RAISED LONGITUDENAL STRIAE PRESENT WHICH APPEARED HEALED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|994|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|RIGHT SIDED FUSION OF T4-5 AND LEFT SIDED FUSION ALONG T6-9. THE FUSION RAN ALONG THE ANTEROLATERAL PORTION OF THE VERTEBRAL BODY AND HAD THE CLASSIC CANDLEWAX APPEARANCE OF DISH. THE APOPHYSEAL JOINT AND THE INTERVERTEBRAL DISKSPACE WAS NOT AFFECTED. IT WAS NOTEWORTHY THAT THE FUSION HAD OCCURED ON THE L SIDE AS THIS WAS THE TRADITIONAL LOCATION OF THE AORTA, IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THIS INDIVIDUAL HAD THE AORTA LOCATED ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE. CX 5-7 HAVE MARGINAL LIPPING. FURTHER SLIGHT LIPPING PRESENT ON L4-5. SLIGHT FEATHERING PRESENT ON THE R ILLIAC CREST AND ENTHSOPATHIES PRESENT ON THE POSTERIOR PART OF THE CALCANII THOUGH NOT PARTICULARLY MARKED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|994|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|994|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1001|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|THE LEFT NAVICULAR HAD A VERY PRONOUNCED AND EXTENDED TUBEROSITY.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1001|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Other (Congenital-Spinal Disorders)|Bilateral hyperplasia of the right and left transverse processes of Th11 and Th12.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1001|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1001|FEMALE|ADULT 18-25 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1004|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Small area of active non-specific periostitis, striated and microporosity on the lateral surface mid shaft of the right femur.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1004|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1004|MALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1008|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1008|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1010|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1010|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1014|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Spinal Disorders|Scoliosis|ONLY UPPER PORTION OF THORACIC VERTEBRAE PRESENT. THE INFERIOR PORTION OF THE T1 BODY APPEARED CONCAVE WITH LIPPING ALONG THE L ANTEROLATERAL BORDER. THE T3-4 EXHIBITED CLEAR BENDING IN A RIGHT LATERAL DIRECTION WITH SLIGHT HEIGHT REDUCTION THESE DISPLAY A SIMILAR CONCAVE BODY.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1014|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Metabolic|General|Osteoporosis|POSSIBLE OSTEOPOROSIS BUT MC2 TO BE X-RAYED FOR CONFIRMATION. PELVIS EXHIBITED MACRO PORORSITY AND PITTING ON THE ILLIUM AND ISCHIUM| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1014|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1014|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1016|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHY :- LEFT CALCANEUS MUSCLE ATTACHMENT TENDO CALCANEA (ACHILLES TENDON). VERY LIGHT QUALITY TO THE BONES POSSIBLY OSTEOPOROSIS (OP) BUT COULD BE TAPHONOMIC PROCESSES.IF OP WOULD BE IN KEEPING WITH THE OLDER AGE AND SEX (FEMALE) OF THE INDIVIDUAL, HOWEVER, NO INDICATION OF COLLES FRACTURE, OR VERTEBRAL COLLAPSE. THE POSTERIOR ARCH OF THE ATLAS VERTEBRAE APPEARED THICKENED.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1016|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|GRADE 1 OSTEOPHYTIC LIPPING OF THE MEDIAL EPICONDYLE OF THE LEFT HUMERUS AND THE HEADS OF THE PROXIMAL LEFT HAND PHALANGES,DJD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1016|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1016|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1018|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|GRADE 1 MARGINAL LIPPING OF THE LEFT SCAPHOID,DJD.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1018|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non specific periostisis of both tibiae.The medial & lateral shaft surfaces had a combination of coarse srtiations & porosity that in the mid area of the shaft were remodelled, whilst the area of bone superior to the malleoli was more porous with microporosity indicating the infection was still active. The left tibiae was more affected then the right.The L & R fibula also haD similar changes of striated remodelled bone at the proximal end on the anterior & posterior surface.The anterior surface of the left femur to had an increase in porosity as did the anterior surface of the left zygomatic process, the palatal surface of the maxilla and the greater wings of the sphenoid.These latter changes could perhaps be attributed to a deficiency in Vitamin C.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1018|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1018|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1021|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Congenital|Limb Abnormality|Other (Congenital)|CONGENITAL ABSENCE OF HAMULUS OF R HAMATER. APOPHYSEAL JOINT BETWEEN L5-S1 IS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED IN SIZE. See also DIFFRENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OPTION DESCRIBED IN HEALED FRACTURES SECTION.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1021|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Fine smooth specks of bone on the visceral portion of the shaft of the ribs. These were mainly situated in the central portion of the shaft and appeared as an irregular undulating pattern.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1021|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|OA of articulation on joint between the left trapezium and mc1. Extensive lipping along the inferior lateral border. The eburnated area is along the palmar border of the mc1 and it appears that a palmar shift in the articulation caused the OA.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1021|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)|Rightsided "candlewax" type fusion present along T5-11. Further extensive osteophytes were present in T12-l5 (R sided) though these had not yet fused. The vertebral body space had not been compromised and the apophyseal joint have remained unfused. Exostosis was present on the tip of the spinous process along the entire vertebrae. there is no apparent feathering along the illiac crest but mild enthesopathies were present on the posterior and plantar portions of the calcanii. On the inferior anterior rim of the L1 the bone was resorbed with no active remodelling taken place. The area affected was coarse and pitted. It was unclear whether this condition was brought on by the DISH or possibly due to the uneven pressure due to the malformation of the apophyseal joint of the L5-S1.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1021|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Other|Ankylosis|Ankylosis of the superior border of the right sacroiliac joint. The retroauricular surface was very nodular with ragged striae of bone running along the surface. The auricular surface is very concave and lipped. possibly related to DISH|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1021|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1021|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1021|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|Healed fracture of mc4 & 5 with no apparent overlap but disjointedness had caused a false joint to form above the original joint (dorsal view) the mc5 has a bony protuberance articulating with a false joint on the mc4. Both mc's arch with a concavity showing at palmar view.The right apophyseal joint between L5-S1 is significantly reduced in size. The vertebaral body appeared to have maintained the original height whilst some shifting had occurred causing the right apophyseal joint of the L4- iwas deformed and eburnated. The posterior portion of the sacrum exhibited irregular bone growth along the sacral foramina on the left portion a joint has formed posterior to the sacroiliac joint. It is possible that the shift of the apophyseal joint was caused by trauma rather than being congenital as a marked line was apparent below the superior articulating facet as if the neural arch was fractured and then remodelled mesial to its original position.|PAPER RECORD MADE Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1023|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|HEALED AND ACTIVE PERIOSITIS ON THE VICERAL PORTION OF THE RIBS. THE RIBS ON BOTH SIDES EXHIBITED SMOOTH BONY NODULES BETWEEN THE ANGLE AND THE HEAD SUGGESTING A HEALED CHEST INFECION? IN AREA THE NODUALES WERE OVERLAIN BY FINE WOVEN PITTED BONE INDICATING A SECONDARY AND ACTIVE AT DEATH. INFECTION MAINLY PRESENT ON THE LEFT RIBS. THE ACTIVE IINFECTION APPEARED CLOSER TOTHE HEAD THAN THE ANGLE OF THE VICERAL PORTION| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1023|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1023|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1023|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Miscellaneous|Spondylolysis (bilateral)|BILATERAL SPONDYLOLISIS OF THE L5| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1797||1051|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1797||1051|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1735||1055|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Congenital|Skull Malformation|Bathrocephaly|PROTRUDING OCCIPITAL BONE| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1735||1055|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1735||1055|FEMALE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1059|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:-1.LEFT FEMUR POSTERIOR SURFACE AT THE DISTAL END FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF VASTUS INTERMEDIUS.2.BOTH CALCANEA ATTACHMENT FOR TENDO CALCANEUS(ACHILLES TENDON)."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1059|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1059|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1061|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-6 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1061|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-6 MONTHS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1063|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|The right trapezium on the articulating surface for the first right metacarpal had grade 1 osteopyhtic lipping of the articular margin and a smooth ,polished surface with a small area of eburnation at the posterior margin.These changes were also seen in the distal articular surface of the first right metacarpal.The left and right carpals had grade 1 osteopyhtic lipping of their articular margins.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1063|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1063|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1068|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1068|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1068|MALE|ADULT 26-35 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|INTRA ARTICULAR FRACTURE OF L TALOCRUAL JOINT OF THE TIBIA. 3 CLEAR FRACTURE LINES RADIATED FROM A CENTRAL POINT SITUATED CENTRAL TO THE MEDIAL MALLEOLUS. EXTENSIVE LIPPING PRESENT ALONG THE ANTERIOR BORDER OF THE JOINT. EBURNATION ON ANTEROLATERAL ASPECT ALSO PRENT ON THE TALUS.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1071|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Other|Other (Joints - Miscellaneous)|ROUNDED EROSIVE LESION PRESENT ON THE R MT3 TMT JOINT INFERIOR BORDER MEASURING 4X4.5MM.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1071|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Metabolic|Vitamin D Deficiency|Rickets|RESIDUAL RICKETS| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1071|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1071|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|7|OA7|1700|1850|1071|MALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Healed fracture|well healed fractures of the central portion of 2 right ribs.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1085|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1085|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 6-11 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|2 (Scattered fine foramina)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1126|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|OA OF IPJ OF THE 3RD PROX AND INTERM PHALANGES IN THE R HAND AND 4TH PHALANGE IN THE L, BOTH EXHIBITING EBURNATION AND EXTENSIVE LIPPING. ALSO BILATERALLY AFFECTED WERE THE LATERAL FEMORATIBIA JOINTS OF THE TIBIAE WITH EBURNATION AND CONTINIOUS LIPPING ALONG THE LATERAL BORDER.LIPPING BUT NO EBURNATION OF THE FEMURS.THE L PROX DIAPHYSIS OF THE L TIBIA WAS SKEWED IN A MEDIAL DIRECTION CAUSING A SLOPING JOINT SURFACE. A FALSE JOINT HAD FORMED ON THE DIST POTION OF THE TIB AND FIB IMMIDIATELY ABOVE THE ORIGINAL JOINT SURFACE| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1126|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1126|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1788||1133|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Joints|Osteoarthritis|Osteoarthritis|EBURNATION PRESENT ON L FEMORAPATELLAR JOINT OF THE FEMUR.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1788||1133|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1788||1133|INTERMEDIATE|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1140|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|General comments|General pathology comments|ENTHESOPATHIES:1. LEFT PELVIS;PRONOUNCED BONY NODULAR FORMATION ON THE AREA ON THE LEFT ISCHIAL TUBEROSTIY FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF ADDUCTOR MAGNUS AND ON THE POSTERIOR SURFACE OF THE ISCHIOPUBIC RAMUS FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF ADDUCTOR BREVIS.2.ANTERIOR SURFACE OF THE LEFT PATELLA FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF RECTUS FEMORIS."| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1140|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Infectious|Non-Specific Infection|Non-specific periostitis|Non specific periostitis on the right tibia on the medial shaft surface remodelled striae and slight microporostiy on the proximal aspect of the shaft.The left tibia haD PM damage to the shaft surface but appeared as though there may have been some indication of periosteal reaction.On both tibiae the changes appeared not to be active but healed.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1140|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1140|FEMALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1157|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Soft tissue trauma (ossified haematoma/myostitis ossificans)|BONY PROTUBERANCE BETWEEN DISTAL L TIBIA AND FIBULA. POSSIBLE RUPTURE OF THE TIBIOFIBULAR LIGAMENT.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1157|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1157|MALE|ADULT >46 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1164|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1164|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT 1-5 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1169|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1169|UNDETERMINABLE|UNCLASSIFIED ADULT|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1175|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Trauma|Accidental|Other (Trauma - Accidental)|SMOOTH BONY RIDGE SITUATED ON THE DORSAL BORDER OF THE MTPJ OF THE L MT2. THE RIDGE IS RAISED ~4.5MM WITH SHARP ANGULATED EDGES ALLOWING THE PROX PHALANX TO REST IN THE HOLLOW FORMED BY THE RIDGE CAUSING THE PHALANX TO PROTRUDE UPWARDS AT A 130 DEGREE FROM ITS ORIGINAL POSITION. THERE WAS NO DJD BOTH JOINT SURFACES APPEARED OTHERWISE NORMAL.| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1175|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1175|FEMALE?|ADULT 36-45 YEARS|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1611|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT PERINATAL|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|6|OA7|1700|1850|1611|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT PERINATAL|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|0||||2321|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT PERINATAL|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia left|9 (Unobservable)| Post-Medieval-Chelsea Old Church|OCU00|0||||2321|UNSEXED CHILD|SUB-ADULT PERINATAL|Other|Blood Disorders|Cribra orbitalia right|0 (No cribra present)|