Useful Tools (5 of 5)

Environmental data

Environmental data is usually collected in order to ensure that collections are stored at appropriate environmental levels. However, this data can also be useful as an aid to pest management.

Many museum pest species require specific environments, such as damp (silverfish and booklice) or warm, undisturbed areas for breeding (moths and carpet beetles)

Environmental data from recording devices can often be used to support or challenge what pests are found. For example, if there is an increase in silverfish, the environmental readings may show increased humidity. Conversely, if environmental readings show the relative humidity is not high, the problem may be caused by a leak in a pipe or a hole in a roof that allows rain water to enter the store.

The locations of the environmental monitors can be plotted on floor plans to help cross reference the data retrieved. It may be useful to merge the environmental data with the pest trapping data. This could help explain any unusual results caused by leakages, unexpected weather conditions, private events serving food, or other situations leading to potential fluctuations. The data recorded can then help identify problematic areas when looking at future planning.