Section Three Quiz

  • 1. Why does placing objects in boxes or covers help prevent pest damage?
    • It keeps the objects warm
    • It keeps the objects dry
    • It stops the pests getting near the object
    • None of the above
  • 2. Why is good housekeeping important?
    • It removes possible food sources for pests
    • It removes possible nesting materials for pests
    • Both the above
  • 3. At -40°C, how long will it take to kill all stages of an insect's lifecycle?
    • 48 hours
    • 72 hours
    • 7 days
    • 2 weeks
  • 4. Legally, which of the following do you need training in before use?
    • Pheromone traps
    • Fly screens
    • Sprays
    • Blunder traps