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Twelve Days of Festive Fatberg

Celebrate the true meaning of Christmas with the Museum of London and the London Gay Men's Chorus: remembering the repulsive fatbergs ever-growing beneath our city streets.

Museum of London

12 December 2018

Back in 2018, the museum welcomed the only remaining piece of the infamous Whitechapel Fatberg.

Having hit the headlines in more than 115 countries, the monster fatberg has become London’s newest celebrity and has fascinated and disgusted people all over the world. The Whitechapel Fatberg was one of the largest ever discovered, and was a congealed mass of fat, oil, grease, wet wipes and sanitary products. The existence of this fatberg highlights the pressures fat and modern rubbish are putting on London’s historic infrastructures and is a comment on our increasingly disposable society.

Whilst on display at the museum, the fatberg became an incredible sensation. Although it is no longer on display, you can still monitor the fatberg and its sweating pustules via our FatCam live stream. We've now added the fatberg to our permanent collection, keeping it safely in quarantine.

As it’s Christmas and to pay homage to our dear fatty friend, please enjoy the infectious carol The 12 Days of Fatberg.

Merry Christmas from the Museum of London and the fatberg!